Interview with the daughter of the imprisoned German-Iranian Jamshid Sharmahd

Three hostages were released in Iran last week. The USA paid for it. The German-Iranian Jamshid Sharmahd is still in custody. His daughter Gazelle speaks in the star about her frustration – and how she experiences her father on the phone.

Last week there was probably the most expensive prisoner exchange in history: the USA paid around six billion dollars to free five American hostages in Iran, and even much higher sums are being circulated. Her father, Jamshid Sharmahd, a German citizen who lived in the United States before his arrest, has been imprisoned in Iran for three years. He wasn’t among them.
My father had lived in Los Angeles since the beginning of 2003, before that he was in Germany. I can’t explain why he wasn’t released now. Just like the stubbornness of many US media not to even mention him. My father is particularly at risk because he is the only person sentenced to death twice.

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