Interview with Formula E boss: Jeff Dodds about “Drive to Survive” and Tesla

Formula E viewership is growing by 30 percent every year, says Jeff Dodds, CEO of the racing series. Why don’t you know any of the drivers? A conversation about creeping change, the end of the combustion engine and the narcotic dominance of Max Verstappen.

Mister Doddsdo you race yourself?
I have a racing license, yes. But I don’t race as a hobby or professionally. I’ve been to many, many racetracks and I believe that I need this for my job. But I’m probably too big and too heavy to compete with others.

Would you have no chance in a Formula E car?
I am 1.92 meters tall and weigh around 94 kilos. Of course, this is significantly higher than what you see today among racing drivers in the formula classes. Oh right, I don’t have that talent either. Together these are probably not good conditions.

As long as Max Verstappen doesn’t have a breakdown, you can save yourself the excitement. But that’s also because the story of the combustion engine has actually been told.

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