Interview with actress Narges Rashidi – media

Narges Rashidi plays a mafia killer in the series “Ferdinand von Schirach – Faith”. A conversation about the hardships of her job, arriving as a young girl in a foreign country and the late return to the Iranian culture of her parents.

Interview by

Harald Hordych

Narges Rashidi is sitting in a small conference room in the RTL Studio Berlin and is in a brilliant mood. She did in the miniseries Believe Based on a screenplay by Ferdinand von Schirach, a tough Mafia killer is played as hauntingly as it is unpretentious, who directs a famous but ailing lawyer (Peter Kurth) in the spirit of a Chinese syndicate. He is said to have the acquittal of one of 26 defendants in an abuse trial in the province. The core of the film is based on the real “Worms Trials”. More than twenty people from the Worms area had been charged in the 1990s because child testimonies asked in a tendentious manner had indicated mass abuse. The allegations turned out to be baseless, but many families and livelihoods had long been destroyed forever.

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