Interview about educational book “Unterrum” – culture

Linu Lätita Blatt and Noa Lovis Peifer have written an educational book for small children. A conversation about eartips, vulvina and the question of whether four-year-olds should be told about trans people.

As a modern parent, you no longer need to try with bees and flowers. But how do I tell my child then? Noa Lovis Peifer and Linu Lätitia Blatt have with “Unterrum – And how do you say?” Wrote a funny sex education book for children as young as four that also tackles difficult issues such as the dangers of abuse. Both are active in sex education work – Blatt works on a queer anti-discrimination project, Peifer for Pro Familia. In schools and at their readings, they regularly talk to young people about sexuality and gender identity. with her art project “Glitter Clit” they have developed plush models of genitals for this purpose. In the video call, you quickly realize that they can talk very long and openly about a topic that many parents would still like to avoid.

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