Internet: Youtube: Channel removed again from Russian broadcaster RT

Youtube: Channel removed from Russian broadcaster RT again

The video platform Youtube has again removed a German-language channel from the Russian state broadcaster RT. Photo: Monika Skolimowska / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

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Youtube is taking action against German editions of the Russian broadcaster RT because of misinformation – this is trying to bypass the block with a new live channel. But this is the end of it, too.

The video platform Youtube has again removed a German-language channel from the Russian state broadcaster RT.

A YouTube spokesman announced on Thursday: “YouTube has always had clear community guidelines that define what is allowed on the platform and what is not. RT DE was terminated on YouTube in September for circumventing our terms of use. “

In the event of termination, the channel owner should not use, own or create any other YouTube channels, the spokesman said. “As a result of this attempted circumvention, the new channel” RT on broadcast “was permanently removed due to the violation of the YouTube terms of use.” The blockage took place on Thursday morning. According to the information, the German-language channel was shown a few hours earlier.

The spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Sakharova, wrote on the Telegram social network that she had just given an interview to RT DE when the live stream was interrupted by the blockade. “But we didn’t expect anything else,” she added. RT initially only confirmed that the new German-language live channel had been deleted on the first day – and announced that it would find out the reasons for this.

At the end of September, YouTube, which belongs to the Google group, blocked and removed two German channels of the Russian state medium RT. The Kremlin criticized that at the time. Youtube had given this as the reason for the blocking: RT DE had been made aware that the state medium had violated the guideline on misinformation in connection with the corona pandemic. During a certain period of time, RT DE would then no longer have been allowed to upload videos to its YouTube channel. According to the Google subsidiary, a second channel was then used, which was seen as an attempt to circumvent it.

The Russian state medium RT – formerly Russia Today – is actually planning to expand in Germany. A German-language TV program is planned – the start was planned for December. However, there is no broadcasting license for this. An attempt by the Luxembourg authorities failed. TV providers require a broadcasting license for nationwide programs in Germany.

RT is repeatedly criticized in the West as the Kremlin’s propaganda tool. Central allegation: The station spreads conspiracy theories and disinformation on behalf of the Russian state. RT rejects that. The broadcaster has several foreign language programs in its portfolio. RT DE has so far offered online reports in German. The content is disseminated via the website and social media.


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