Internet: Musk has Twitter web addresses redirected to

Musk redirects Twitter web addresses to

Twitter’s transition to X continues. photo

© Monika Skolimowska/dpa

Elon Musk’s platform X removes the last remnant of Twitter: web addresses are now completely changed to “”.

Elon Musk’s online platform X has removed another remnant of its Twitter past. Almost ten months after the renaming, the web address of the profiles was still “” until recently. This is now over: If you access the old addresses in the web browser, you will be redirected to “”. All “core systems” now ran under, Musk wrote on Friday.

The tech billionaire bought Twitter in October 2022 for around $44 billion. According to him, the renaming was necessary to emphasize that his platform should be much more than just a short message service. In addition to a new function for calls, he also wants to make X a place for job searches and money transfers, among other things.

After the takeover, advertising revenue, with which Twitter traditionally financed itself almost exclusively, collapsed. Many advertisers fear their brand names will appear next to posts containing hate speech after Musk relaxed rules on content on the platform. X denies that there is a problem with hate speech on the platform.

X contribution from Musk


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