Internet: Meta: British ex-Prime Minister Clegg fills leadership role

Meta: British ex-Prime Minister Clegg fills leadership role

Nick Clegg is now part of Meta’s three-strong executive team alongside Zuckerberg and Sandberg. Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa

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From Facebook Secretary of State to President of Global Affairs at Meta – CEO Mark Zuckerberg promotes Nick Clegg to senior management. What will his new role look like?

Former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has been promoted to the top management of the digital company Meta. This was announced by company boss Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook. The 55-year-old will in future bear the title of “President for Global Affairs”.

Zuckerberg, Sandberg and Clegg

In the three-man management circle of the Facebook group Meta, Clegg will be the top political officer. Company founder Zuckerberg is responsible for product development and company strategy. Co-CEO Sheryl Sandberg is responsible for the Group’s financial results. Clegg had held the position of Vice President since 2018, playing the role of Facebook’s “Secretary of State”.

Clegg was instrumental in setting up an independent oversight board. This regulatory group was created in 2020 to make decisions independently of corporate governance. Last May, for example, this body decided that former President Donald Trump would remain blocked on Facebook.

Clegg’s new role

The Meta Group is in a phase of upheaval. The classic advertising business on Facebook and Instagram is weakening, also because the users of the apps are less and less willing to disclose personal data that can be used to optimize the advertising business. At the same time, Zuckerberg is building the Metaverse – a digital world where users can meet in virtual reality.

Zuckerberg wrote in a post on his personal Facebook page that Clegg’s new role will give him more powers to respond to regulatory issues in the new Metaverse world. Clegg will “lead our company in all political matters,” Zuckerberg wrote. This included relations with governments and the “public defense of our products and our work”.

Zuckerberg promised that Clegg would act on an equal footing with him and Sandberg in his new role. “Having Nick take on this new leadership role will allow me to focus more on running the business as we develop new products for the future. He will support Sheryl as she remains focused on the success of our company.”


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