Internet: Hate posts: Ministers want to punish social networks

Hate posts: Ministers want to punish social networks

The hashtags Hate and Hetze can be seen in a Twitter post on a smartphone screen. Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The justice ministers of the federal states agree: If hate posts on social networks are not deleted by the operator as quickly as possible, there are criminal consequences.

The justice ministers of the federal states want to punish operators of large social networks if they do not delete hate posts promptly. The federal government should examine the extent to which this is legally possible.

It is about criminal content, which the companies are aware of, for example through complaints, but which is still not quickly deleted. So far, the focus of criminal law has been on the authors, the operators of the networks would have to pay fines at most.

“They pay everything out of petty cash,” said Eisenreich. It is not okay for companies to profit from profits and leave problems to democracy and the rule of law.

However, the state ministers could not agree on the demand for a nationwide reporting office for hate comments, as proposed by Hamburg’s Justice Senator Anna Gallina (Greens). Instead, existing offers from the federal states are to be improved and listed in an easy-to-find online portal. The Bavarian Minister of Justice announced that he would present an offer for people in the Free State in about two weeks. For this they want the Baden-Württemberg reporting office “Respect!” share.


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