Internet: Autobahn app only partially usable even after a year

Autobahn app only partially usable even after a year

The Autobahn app was presented a year ago as a “milestone in the digitization of the transport system”. Photo: David Young/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The Autobahn app was presented as a “milestone in the digitization of transport”. But even twelve months later, motorists and experts are still questioning the point of the application.

The concept of the Autobahn app made sense: The Autobahn GmbH des Bundes should not keep its wealth of data on the current traffic situation on the federal Autobahn for itself, but share it with drivers via a smartphone app. After all, the state company knows every construction site and also knows when it will be closed again. The motorway company can also provide reliable information about major traffic jams or dangerous accident sites.

However, the Autobahn app had to fit right from the start for one basic function that other map apps can do, namely the actual navigation. This is still the case a year after the presentation of the first app version on July 20, 2021 and after 750,000 downloads. For example, if you are looking for the route from Berlin to Bremen, you will see the route description for the usual route via Magdeburg and Hanover, including all disruptions along the way. However, the information is only relevant before the start of the journey. The app is not able to dynamically give turning instructions (“turn-by-turn” commands) while driving.

The app can also not suggest alternative routes in real time, for example to react to a complete closure of the A2 near Magdeburg like last Tuesday. Instead of recalculating the route and showing the alternative via the A24 via Hamburg, the app only pointed out in this specific case that the route via the A2 means a delay of more than three hours. With the maps from Google, Apple, TomTom and other providers, on the other hand, users were correctly guided to the alternative route.

Required to use the Passenger app

However, it is not only the navigation function that users miss. The app was also built in such a way that it is virtually impossible to use it while driving. There is no voice control for this. There are also no plans for integration into Apple’s CarPlay or Google’s Android Auto systems, which bring smartphone apps securely to the infotainment screens of modern cars. If you want to operate the Autobahn app while driving, you need a passenger or have to stop in a parking lot to browse the app safely.

The reservations of the users can also be seen in the ratings. The application received 2.4 out of 5 stars in the App Store and 2.9 out of 5 stars in the Google Play Store.

In the most recent reviews, however, only one star is often given because Autobahn GmbH has switched off a popular function. At first, users were able to get an idea of ​​the traffic situation from hundreds of webcams along the freeways. Now only an error message appears: “Due to the current developments in Europe, we have decided to deactivate the webcam images for the time being.” As a result, the app has “become useless,” according to a review. Many users complain that tax money was wasted here. According to Autobahn GmbH, the development of the app cost 1.2 million euros.

Bitkom: Expectations not met

The criticism of the Autobahn application in the stores has also reached the digital association Bitkom. “The federal highway app did not meet expectations,” said Bitkom CEO Bernhard Rohleder of the German Press Agency. “It offers no recognizable added value compared to existing offers, such as avoiding traffic jams or showing the nearest gas station. This is also shown by the user ratings in the app stores.”

In principle, it is to be welcomed that the public sector is developing digital offers, said Rohleder. “But these should be based on people’s needs and, above all, start where there are no corresponding private offers.” Instead of developing an end customer product like an app from start to finish, it would be more promising to make the underlying data such as construction sites, charging options for e-cars or the current traffic flow available to third parties in such a way that this information could be easily integrated into existing offers. “More citizens would benefit directly from this.”

New feature for trucks

However, Autobahn GmbH does not want to give up the concept of an app and has chosen a new target group: “The app offers all truck drivers many options for fast and efficient navigation,” says Immo von Fallois, Head of Communications. A quick overview was integrated into the app for the “Brummis” at the start of the summer holidays. The application provides information on which routes are affected by holiday driving bans on Saturdays in July and August and which alternative routes are available.

Autobahn GmbH also announced a new app function that makes it easier for truck drivers to find a parking space based on a new digital parking space recording system. The activation of the function is planned for the end of August 2022.

It remains to be seen whether the heavily criticized concept of the app will be fundamentally changed again: “After the app has been available for more than a year, we are currently reviewing the future listing of the offer,” explained Autobahn GmbH. “The new version of the Autobahn app will be available by the end of the year.”


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