Intelligence toys for cats: trends and tips for pet owners

Intelligence toys for cats: that’s why buying them makes sense

Intelligence toys are supposed to keep cats busy so they don’t get bored

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While outdoor cats can let off steam outside, indoor cats often lack employment opportunities. If boredom is yawning every day, this is noticeable in the behavior of the animals: They mark the apartment, scratch furniture or even become aggressive.

It is really only understandable that cats get bored at some point if they cannot (or do not want to) leave the apartment: If you had to spend every day at home, you would certainly also feel a certain inner restlessness, which inevitably leads to stress. To prevent your house tiger from tampering with the facility or possibly developing aggressive behavior, you should ensure that your pet can occupy itself on its own when you are not at home. This is made possible with the right intelligence toy for cats. We present six variants to you.

1. Tempo play rail

A popular classic among cat owners is the Tempo play rail: The mountain-and-valley track is slightly sloping in some places so that the associated ball can roll faster. It moves by itself and flashes to stimulate the animals’ play and hunting instinct – but it can also be poked by hand (or with your paws) through the integrated holes.

2. “Turn Around” intelligence toy

at this intelligence game it becomes clear at first glance what the aim of it all is: to search for food. In order for the cat to get its well-deserved snacks, it has to tip them out of the containers – by turning them over. If the treats fall out, they are still not available, but have to be fished out of the labyrinth on the bottom with a little skill.

3. Feeder play station

Cats have a keen sense of smell, so it is easy for them to sniff out food. However, so that they don’t get to the treats too quickly, they have to this intelligence toy put their skills to the test. Above all, the movable compartments should arouse curiosity and keep the animals occupied a little longer.

4. “Brain Mover” intelligence toy

Warning, this is where it gets really tricky: This intelligence toy with non-slip rubber feet should be a mental challenge for cats that also requires physical effort. There are four different game modules with different tasks that will demand patience and skill from your pet.

5. Interactive intelligence toy

With this intelligence toy You can make the search for food interactive for cats: First the drum is filled with your pet’s favorite snack, then it has to sniff it out – and find out for itself how to free the small treats. Either directly over the holes or after they have fallen on the floor and been led through the maze.

6. “Turning Feather” intelligence toy

With this one game For once, it’s not about looking for food (even if treats fit in), instead your cat’s natural hunting instinct should be awakened: With the help of a spring that is whirled around inside the housing – and changes direction every now and then. The automatic system switches itself off after 15 minutes.

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