Insulate a cellar or basement: effective solutions

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The advantages of insulating the cellar, basement or crawl space

L’ADEME (Agency for the environment and energy management) estimates that poorly insulated floors are responsible for an energy loss that can vary from 7 to 10%. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, an air gap is provided between the earth and the floor. It can materialize in the form of a crawl space, a cellar or a basement.

However, it is rare that these spaces are heated, which is not lacking cause heat loss. Therefore, by isolating these spaces, you will not only reduce heat lossbut also benefit from other advantages:

  • you are going to make savings on heating bills of your home;
  • you will enjoy a better comfort in cold weather;
  • you reduce humidity in your accommodation and the problems that may arise from it;
  • finally, depending on the size of this space, it is not excluded that you can then make it an extra room in your accommodation.

Interior wall insulation

To proceed with the insulation of the part of your home which is buried or semi-buried, whether it is a cellar or a basement, it is essential, first of all, to go through the interior, it is i.e. by wall insulation.

The best solution is then to install insulation boards on the walls. To do this, different possibilities exist to insulate the wall from the inside. The choice will depend not only on your budget, but also on your expectations:

  • If you want a solution that is easy to implement and the surface of the walls is smooth, you can install cork or polystyrene panels.
  • Do you prefer a more natural solution? You can then opt for hemp panels, wood wool panels, etc..
  • It is also possible to proceed in two stages by first installing glass woolthen Placoplâtre to hold it in place.
Works Insulate Cellar
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Ceiling insulation

To limit heat loss through the floor of your living area as much as possible, it is recommended to insulate the ceiling of your cellar or basement. Not only will you save money, but you will gain comfort in the rooms just above this buried or semi-buried part.

This is because a cold floor can be very unpleasant in everyday life and make the room feel even colder than it actually is. Here again, you are spoiled for choice: you can install extruded polystyrene sheetsbut also cellulose wadding panelsetc. It is then recommended to hold them in place with placo or OSB plates.

Think about ventilation

If your basement tends to be damp, it may be a good idea to consider installing a VMC (controlled mechanical ventilation) or a VMI cellar (mechanical ventilation by insufflation):

  • the VMC: it works on the basis of air intake, which is then replaced by outside air. It therefore allows the renewal of the air while promoting the reduction of the humidity rate. But its effectiveness is limited to slightly damp basements.
  • the VMI: is more effective for wetter basements. Simply put, it blows in outside air to create airflow and evacuate moisture-laden air.

For the installation of one of these devices, it is recommended to use a professional EGR specializing in this type of work. As these professionals have a certification recognized by the State, having recourse to them can allow you to benefit from financial aid on the cost of installing your VMC.

Aids for the insulation of the cellar and basement

Financial aid is planned for the insulation of the cellar or the basement of the dwellings.

The Energy Bonus

This aid is part of CEE device (Energy Saving Certificates). If you own a home that was built more than two years ago, you can claim this aid as part of work aimed at saving energy, for a secondary or main home. Its amount is calculated according to household income, the amount of work, but also the location of the accommodation.


This aid, now open to all, can be combined with the Energy bonus. To benefit from it, you must apply for it for work carried out in your main residence built more than 15 years ago. Its amount varies according to the reference tax income, the place of residence and the type of work.


This is a loan with 0% interest rate for the financing of your work in a dwelling that was built more than two years ago, provided that it is your main residence. You can borrow up to €30,000 which you can repay over a maximum of 15 years. To benefit from it, all you have to do is contact a bank that has signed an agreement with the State.

Reduced rate VAT

By calling on an RGE professional, the VAT, which is generally 20%, is automatically reduced to 5.5%.

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