“Insane” or “wonderful”, the access of dogs to the tram does not please everyone

Wafer good news for some, much less pleasant for others. The Strasbourg Transport Company (CTS) made it official this Thursday: from July 1, dogs will be allowed to take the tram. It will initially be an experiment until December. “But there shouldn’t be any worries for it to last,” explained Patrick Maciejewski, chairman of the CTS board of directors.

The Alsatian capital thus joins many other cities which have already opted for this measure, such as Paris, Lyon, Nice, Montpellier, Grenoble… With a few precise rules which differentiate it from the others: all animals, except so-called dangerous dogs, will be able to ride in any train at any time, they will not need a specific ticket and will have to be kept on a shortened leash while being muzzled. In case of non-compliance, a fine of 150 euros may be drawn up.

A framework capable of reassuring all passengers? Yes and no. Many readers of 20 minutes do not hide their concerns. “It’s insane. Totally impractical in such a confined and often crowded space! Irresponsible decision! “Claims Claude. “Very bad idea. What will people with dog hair allergies do? Or those who are afraid of dogs following a bite or other? “says Gabrielle.

Others insist on the possible dangerousness of newcomers. “When the tram is crowded, you never know their reaction. The dog will also be stressed because of the world,” says Karine. “A big dog next to a stroller…during rush hour?” asks Isabelle, joined by Dominique. “Why risk child abuse? Or do I have to put helmets on them? »

“Hello Wet Dog Smells”

The question of effluvia, and even excrement, is also raised. “Hello, wet dog smells in the rain! As if the nauseating odors of perspiration from some humans weren’t enough! “, plague Daniel. “I have never seen a dog spit on the ground, stick its chewing gum on a seat or attack the driver. It is therefore good news, ”retorts Céline, in the camp of those satisfied with this new measure.

She is far from alone. ” Marvellous ! Finally our animals and friends are recognized! exclaims Sophie like many other contributors who believe that “dogs are an integral part of our lives”. “This is very good news for people who have no other means of transport and who want to take their companion further than close to their home”, summarizes Martine.

The CTS poster that will be launched before the arrival of the dogs in the trams. – T. Gagnepain

“It was time…”, nevertheless notes Katia, pointing out the delay taken by Strasbourg on the subject. And according to Jeannine, everything is going well where the authorization has already been given. “In Toulon, our dogs have the right to get on the bus… The big dogs are muzzled and everything is going well. Personally, my little chihuahua is in her stroller and it’s a pleasure to go out with her…”, she writes.

In Strasbourg, buses will not be affected. And if associations, such as that of users of urban transport in the agglomeration (Astus), are already asking for an extension, the CTS wants to go “gradually”. “There is a space in a tram large enough for everyone to find their place, which is not necessarily the case in a bus”, explains one at the carrier, which has already started to train its 100 controllers to enforce the new rules.

“It’s up to the masters to behave themselves”

Many of our readers are keen on it, including some who would have liked certain peak hours to be excluded. “It’s up to the masters to behave well and to make sure that people who don’t appreciate dogs more don’t “support” it but live it well. That our four paws do not climb on the seats and do not urinate in the tram. But for that, it is up to the master to ensure this compromise”, sums up Agnès. “Masters are responsible for their dogs. They will know if their dog is fit to take transport,” reassures Sarah.

“I don’t have a dog but support the measure because living in society means dealing with a diversity of lifestyles and needs,” concludes Elodie in a contribution that should satisfy both camps.

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