Injured on the Temple Mount: Riots in Jerusalem

Status: 04/17/2022 11:16 a.m

The religious celebrations of Christians, Muslims and Jews this weekend in Jerusalem have again been overshadowed by violence. Several people were injured in riots on the Temple Mount.

Clashes have broken out again on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Ahead of planned visits by Jews to the holy site, hundreds of young Muslims erected obstacles with stones and iron bars to block access for Jews, Israeli police said. According to media reports, there were clashes between police forces and Palestinians at the facility. According to the Palestinian Authority, nine people were injured.

The Islamist Hamas, which rules in the Gaza Strip, said: “The al-Aqsa Mosque is a red line and the (Israeli) occupying power bears responsibility for attacking believers and for allowing settlers to desecrate the facility.”

Armed Israeli security forces in the old city of Jerusalem, where violent riots had already broken out on Friday.

Image: AFP

Holy place of Jews and Muslims

The Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third highest shrine of the Muslims, but also sacred to the Jews because there used to be two Jewish temples there. Jews are allowed to visit the area, but they are not allowed to pray there, according to an agreement with the Muslim authorities. The area is under Jordanian administration, while Israel is responsible for security.

The Jews are currently observing the Passover festival. One of the customs is a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The Temple Mount is a few minutes’ walk from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Christians celebrated Easter Mass on Sunday mornings.

According to Israeli sources, Palestinians threw stones at buses near Jerusalem’s old town, slightly injuring several passengers. Two people were arrested.

Violent riots on Friday

Violent clashes broke out between Israeli security forces and Palestinians on the Temple Mount on Friday morning after rioters threw stones and firecrackers at the Jewish Western Wall. More than 150 Palestinians and three police officers were injured. More than 400 people were temporarily arrested, most of whom are now at large.

Festivals of Muslims, Jews and Christians at the same time this year

This year the Jewish Passover, the Muslim month of fasting Ramadan and the Christian Easter take place at the same time. The security situation in Israel is tense after a series of attacks that killed several people, and there are also tens of thousands of pilgrims in Jerusalem.

Because for the first time in three years, they and tourists were able to enter the Holy Land again at Easter. Because of the corona pandemic, Israel had closed its borders to visitors for a long time. Entry for unvaccinated tourists has only been allowed again since March. The Israeli Ministry of Tourism had expected around 30,000 tourists for the week of Easter, the Jewish Passover holiday and the Muslim Ramadan.

Unlike usual at Passover, the Israeli security authorities are refraining from completely sealing off the occupied West Bank this year. The order barring Palestinians from leaving the West Bank only applied from Friday night through Saturday.

With information from Eva Lell, ARD Studio Tel Aviv

Jerusalem: Again conflict on the Temple Mount

Eva Lell, BR, 4/17/2022 9:43 am

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