Injured after rocket attacks on Tel Aviv

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Another skirmish between Hezbollah and the IDF on the Israeli-Lebanese border. The news ticker about the war in Israel.

  • attack on hospital: Israeli attack on Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza kills 13 people, Hamas says
  • Injured through Rocket debris: Two women wounded by rocket debris in Tel Aviv, Israel
  • The information processed here about the war in Israel comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the parties to the conflict. The information on the situation in Israel and abroad can be independently verified Gaza Strip but sometimes not, especially when they come from Hamas. We remain transparent in these cases too.

Update from November 10th, 4:27 p.m.: Cross-border skirmishes between the militant Hezbollah and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continued on Friday. This is reported by the state-run Lebanese news agency NNA. On Friday morning, Israeli artillery shelling was reported near the Lebanese towns of Ramiya and Bayt Lif, as well as Israeli drones over the eastern part of the Israel-Lebanese border.

Later on Friday, Hezbollah claimed to have attacked Israeli troops in the eastern sector, after which Israeli artillery shelled the area where the attack took place. Hezbollah also reportedly fired a guided missile at the Israeli town of Metula, to which Israel responded with artillery, according to reports NNA.

Israeli army soldiers near the border with Lebanon. © IMAGO/IDF

Update from November 10th, 3:29 p.m.: More than 100 UN aid workers have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the latest escalation in the Middle East. The United Nations relief agency for the Palestinians, UNRWA, announced this on Friday. The number of confirmed deaths among UNRWA workers is 101. They were teachers, nurses, doctors, logisticians or security guards who served their community.

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said he was devastated. “Over 100 colleagues killed within a month.” UNRWA is mourning, the Palestinians are mourning, Israel is mourning. “To end this tragedy, a humanitarian ceasefire is needed now,” said Lazzarini.

Israeli attack on Gaza’s largest hospital kills 13 people.

Update from November 10th, 2:51 p.m.: According to Hamas, 13 people in the Gaza Strip were killed in an Israeli attack on Al-Shifa Hospital, the news agency said Agence France Presse reported. While journalists have not yet been able to verify the claim, an AFP journalist reported seeing at least seven covered bodies outside the hospital.

The Israeli military had no immediate comment. Israel reported heavy fighting near the hospital on Thursday (November 9), saying it had killed dozens of fighters and destroyed tunnels that are central to Hamas’s fighting power.

Two women are injured by rocket fragments in Tel Aviv.

Update from November 10th, 2:12 p.m.: Two women were injured by rocket fragments in Tel Aviv. One woman was moderately injured and another woman was slightly injured. Rocket debris was also found in the central Israeli city of Rishon LeZion.

Update from November 10th, 1:32 p.m.: The organization Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said on Thursday that it was observing “a dramatic increase in violence by Israeli forces in Jenin in the West Bank.” “Today there was a spike in violence, with widespread bombings and shootings,” the organization said in its statement.

Doctors Without Borders reported that Israeli military vehicles prevented ambulances from reaching health facilities and entering hospitals. Teams were forced to transfer patients to hospitals further away, the statement said. “Hospitals are not targets and must remain safe places,” MSF stressed. She called on the Israeli military to stop shelling hospitals. “Medical care must not be hindered.”

The Israeli army kills several Hamas terrorists and announces a new evacuation corridor

Update from November 10th, 12:15 p.m.: Israeli forces have opened an evacuation corridor towards the southern Gaza Strip. This was announced by the Israeli military authority Cogat, which is responsible for government policy in the occupied Palestinian territories. The corridor will remain open for seven hours, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. German time. According to Cogat, tens of thousands of civilians are already using the corridor to reach the south of the Gaza Strip.

Strike against Hamas: Many terrorists killed, heavy weapons confiscated

Update from November 10th, 11:28 a.m.: According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, the Middle East conflict can only be ended by ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. The Palestinian people’s right to self-determination must be respected, Türk said on Friday in Amman, Jordan: “In order for the violence to end, the occupation must end.” He called on all countries in the world to make the necessary efforts for lasting peace all Palestinians and Israelis to undertake. The vicious circle of violence must be broken. “We have seen time and again throughout history that extremism only leads to further extremism,” said Türk.

Update from November 10th, 10:05 a.m.: Israel’s army says it has once again killed suspected terrorists in the Gaza Strip. The military said on Friday that these included people involved in the massacre in Israel. They were killed on Thursday. On Friday night, Israeli soldiers reportedly also attacked 19 other suspected terrorists who were reportedly planning an attack on them. They also hit or confiscated several weapons such as rocket launchers.

Biden advocates more aid for the Gaza Strip

Update from November 10th, 8:45 a.m.: US President Joe Biden has spoken out in favor of delivering significantly more aid supplies to the Gaza Strip. “Two days ago there were 96 trucks carrying relief supplies and yesterday there were 106 trucks. But we need more, and soon. Our goal is at least 150 per day, every day,” he wrote on the platform X (formerly Twitter). “We are also doing everything we can to increase humanitarian aid deliveries and services.”

Biden also said there would be two humanitarian passages “starting today” to enable people to flee the fighting areas in the north of the cordoned off coastal strip. Referring to the targeted humanitarian breaks, the head of government added that these would help move the civilian population to safer areas. “They are a step in the right direction,” said the Democrat.

Update from November 10th, 7:40 a.m.: The Israel Defense Forces announced that a soldier was killed in fighting against Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip yesterday, Thursday. His death increases the number of soldiers killed in the Israeli ground operation, according to the Times of Israel on 36.

Israel attacks Syria: Reaction after drone attack on school

First report: Tel Aviv/Gaza – In response to a drone attack on a school building in the southern Israeli city of Eilat, the Israeli army said it attacked a target in Syria. The army has met the organization that carried out the attack, the military said on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday. The army holds Syria “fully responsible for any terrorist activity originating from its territory.”

A school was damaged by a drone on Thursday. The origin of the drone and the incident as a whole would be checked, it was initially said. There were no reports of injuries. A few hours earlier, the Israeli armed forces had successfully deployed their new Arrow 3 missile defense system for the first time.

An object fired at Israel was intercepted in the Red Sea area, the Israeli Defense Ministry said. The Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen had previously announced that they had attacked Israel with rockets. It was initially unclear whether the missile intercepted by the Arrow 3 system was a Houthi rebel missile. “The Arrow missile intercepted a threat that was traveling far from the state of Israel,” military spokesman Daniel Hagari said. “We intercepted a surface-to-surface missile that was fired in our direction.”

Israel agrees to a four-hour ceasefire – a ceasefire remains out of the question for the time being

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to continue to allow civilians to safely escape from the combat zone in the sealed-off Gaza Strip. “The fighting against Hamas, the Hamas terrorists, continues, but we want to allow safe passage of civilians from the combat zone in certain places for a certain period of time, a few hours here, a few hours there. And that’s what we do,” he told US broadcaster Fox News. Earlier in Washington, National Security Council Communications Director John Kirby said Israel had agreed to daily four-hour humanitarian breaks in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

A senior Israeli government official confirmed Times of Israel According to his own statements, the Israeli government has also agreed to “humanitarian breaks”. Accordingly, the “tactical, local” breaks are intended to give the population of the Gaza Strip the opportunity to flee from the north to the south of the Gaza Strip, away from the most contested areas.

However, Netanyahu emphasized again in the interview that Israel had not agreed to a ceasefire. “A ceasefire with Hamas means a surrender to Hamas,” he said. “So there will be no ceasefire without the release of the Israeli hostages,” the prime minister added. (talk to agencies)

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