Information technology: EU: Apple must allow alternative app stores for the iPad

Information technology
EU: Apple must allow alternative app stores for the iPad

Similar to the iPhone, Apple in the EU must enable the installation of applications via alternative app stores for the iPad. photo

© Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

Apple has already had to open its iPhone in Europe to alternative app stores at the urging of the EU. Now the commission has also taken on the Apple tablet iPad.

Apple must also allow alternative marketplaces for its iPad tablet computer. This is the result of a decision by the EU Commission, with which the Apple operating system iPadOS has now been classified as a “gatekeeper”. Apple now has six months to implement the far-reaching rules of the Digital Markets Act. The EU had previously forced the opening of Apple’s iPhone in Europe.

Similar to the iPhone, the US company in the EU must enable the installation of applications via alternative app stores for the iPad. In addition, the iPadOS tablet operating system must also support full-fledged browsers from other manufacturers in the future.

Number of users below threshold – still “gatekeeper”

In contrast to the iPhone system iOS, the EU regulators did not originally classify the iPad system iPadOS as a gatekeeper service because the operating system has fewer than 45 million active users within the EU and is therefore below the legally stipulated value.

Margrethe Vestager, vice-president of the EU Commission, said a market investigation showed that despite failing to meet the thresholds, iPadOS represents an important gateway that many companies rely on to reach their customers. “Today’s decision will ensure that fairness and contestability are also maintained on this platform,” said the Danish politician, who is responsible for competition policy in the EU Commission.

Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, said the Commission would continue to monitor market developments. “We will also not hesitate to initiate new investigations should other services below the thresholds have features that are considered important gateways for business customers.”

In the debate about App Store alternatives, Apple emphasizes that downloading apps from other sources involves risks for users that must be protected. “We will continue to work constructively with the European Commission to comply with the Digital Markets Act with all relevant services,” said an Apple spokesperson. Apple remains focused on providing European customers with the best possible products and services while minimizing the new data protection and data security risks brought about by the Digital Markets Act.


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