INFO THE DEPECHE. An individual transported by a sedan fires a dozen shots: a young man seriously injured

the essential
A dozen shots were fired this Monday evening in the Empalot district of Toulouse. A man was seriously injured. The emergency services and the police are on the spot.

Horror scene this Monday evening Empalot district in Toulouse. A young man was seriously injured by bullets, he is currently transferred to CHU Rangueil in emergency. His life is in danger.

According to the first testimonies collected on the spot, a sedan appeared at nightfall, around 10 p.m., before one of the passengers opened fire. “It was a burst, we heard about fifteen shots,” says a resident. One of the many warheads hit a man in his twenties.

According to our information, the CRS and members of the anti-crime brigade are deployed in the area to delimit a security perimeter. They should be followed by forensic specialists, responsible for collecting the first clues.

For the time being, it is too early to define the ca of this attack.

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