INFO EUROPE 1 – Sophie Tissier filed a complaint this Monday morning against Éric Coquerel

Louis of Raguenel
modified to

11:11 p.m., July 04, 2022

Sophie Tissier, the former figure of the Yellow Vests filed a complaint this Monday morning in a police station in Vanves, against the LFI president of the finance commission, Éric Coquerel. She accused him in 2014 of “sexual assault” during a party of the left party. Information firmly denied by Éric Coquerel.


The former figure of the Yellow Vests, Sophie Tissier, who has accused Éric Coquerel, the LFI president of the finance committee, of sexual assault for several days, filed a complaint against him this morning, according to information from Europe 1. She went to the police station in Vanves, in Hauts-de-Seine. According to several sources, Sophie Tissier evokes in her complaint, the behavior of Éric Coquerel, in 2014.

Éric Coquerel denies the facts

Sophie Tissier announced on Sunday that she had made a report to LFI’s sexual violence monitoring committee. She accuses Éric Coquerel of having been, according to her, particularly insistent and of having had, still according to her, “wandering” hands during an evening in 2014. Sophie Tissier explains that it was not a question of a sexual assault and says above all that she wants Éric Coquerel to recognize the facts of which she accuses him. He defends himself from any inappropriate gesture and barely recognizes a flirtation with this activist.

A defamation complaint

The chairman of the finance committee of the National Assembly does not rule out filing a defamation complaint. He justified himself in a column published on Sunday in the Sunday newspaper. “I have never exercised physical or psychological violence or coercion to obtain a report”, affirms the elected representative of Seine-Saint-Denis.

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