INFO BFMTV. Gérard Depardieu summoned for placement in police custody for sexual assault

The actor was summoned this Monday morning to a Parisian police station with a view to being placed in police custody. He must be heard regarding accusations of sexual assault made by two women.

Gérard Depardieu was summoned this Monday morning to be placed in police custody to answer charges of sexual assault. According to information from BFMTV, he is currently in a Parisian police station to be questioned.

The actor faces accusations of sexual assault brought by two women. They accuse him of touching suffered on two film sets: in 2014 on the filming of Magician and the Siamese by Jean-Pierre Mocky and in 2021 on the set of Green shutters by Jean Becker. Gérard Depardieu disputes the facts of which he is accused.

Film set

The first complainant, a film decorator, relates events that occurred in September 2021. Gérard Depardieu then participated in the filming of the film Green Shutters by Jean Becker. One day, while sitting in a hallway, he grabbed the team’s complainant with his legs and pinned her between his thighs, she said. He touches her on the waist, breasts and buttocks and says the following words to her, according to her account: “I’m going to stick my big parasol in your pussy.”

The woman, a 53-year-old mother, describes a “wolf trap” which closes on her with “phenomenal force”. It will take the intervention of a third party to get it out of Gérard Depardieu’s legs.

The film crew will take the facts into consideration, forcing the actor to apologize, which he will do with these words: “I apologize since it is necessary to apologize…” But, by Subsequently, according to the complainant, he regularly called her a “slut” throughout the rest of the filming.

Since the open letter from Gérard Depardieu in Le Figaro last October, this decorator explained that she was no longer able to work, had anxiety attacks and post-traumatic stress. In this letter, Gérard Depardieu delivers his “truth” and denies the accusations.

Sexual touching

The second complainant recalls acts which, according to her, were committed in March 2014 during the filming of a short film by Jean-Pierre Mocky, The Magician and the Siamese, in Doué-la-Fontaine in Maine-et-Loire, as she tells the newspaper The Western Mail.

A few days earlier, several members of the team met at Gérard Depardieu’s house, rue du Cherche-Midi in Paris, to prepare for this shoot. On this occasion, an assistant aged 24 at the time claimed to have been sexually touched. According to his testimony, he touched her buttocks and made obscene comments to her.

On March 29, 2014, filming began. The actor meets the assistant again and repeats, again according to her story, his touching of the private parts and makes explicit sexual proposals.

Gérard Depardieu has also been indicted since December 2020 for rape and sexual assault on actress Charlotte Arnould.

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