Influencer is deported from Bali after a nude photo on a temple site

Influencer is deported from Bali after a nude photo on a temple site

Showing remorse at the press conference before their deportation: Andrej and Alina Fasliwa from Russia

© Sonny Tumbelaka / AFP

Her behavior caused outrage among the Balinese Hindus: the Russian Alina Fasliwa had her husband Andrej take a picture of her naked on a sacred tree in Bali.

A Russian influencer and her husband are deported from Indonesia because of a nude photo on a sacred tree on the island of Bali. As the immigration authorities announced on Friday, Alina Fasliwa had her husband Andrej photograph her naked on a 700-year-old tree on the grounds of a temple.

She posted the photo on Instagram, sparking outrage among Balinese Hindus. The two Russians “disturbed public order” with their behavior and broke rules, said the head of the immigration service in Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk. The couple is therefore “punished with expulsion” and is not allowed to re-enter the country for at least six months. Before leaving the country, the two would have to take part in a purification ceremony in the temple.

Alina Fasliwa apologized on Instagram and admitted that she made “a big mistake”. “There are many sacred places in Bali and not all are marked as such,” she adds. It is “very important to treat these places and traditions with respect”.

Almost 200 tourists were deported from Bali last year, partly because of violations of the Corona rules. In April, a Canadian was expelled for dancing naked on a sacred mountain in Bali.


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