Influencer first lures monkeys and then has to save his son from bites

Watch the video: Stupid action – influencer first attracts monkeys and then has to save his son from being bitten.

A dramatic video from Thailand shows: These monkeys are not to be trifled with. The monkey group has pounced on the one-year-old son of an influencer couple.
Riley Whitelum can only save his child with a well-aimed punch. But the monkeys bite and scratch the 38-year-old.
Thailand’s Ko Phi Phi Island beach is known for its monkey attacks.
After the incident, the family required multiple vaccinations against tetanus and rabies. Riley reports, “I’ve never had a rabies shot, so I need five or more in my wound. Then another five over the next 20 days.”
Apart from that, the macaques loved the contents of the family’s pockets.
The doctor says she has to treat at least two tourists a day for monkey bites.
Paradox: The family went to the island on their sailboat to see the monkeys and even lured the group.
A careless behaviour, the nature park administration warns tourists not to get too close to the monkeys.
Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu sail around the world in their boat. Her rides are funded by her followers on social media. The couple has more than 1.7 million followers on their YouTube channel Sailing La Vagabonde.

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