Inflation continued to rise in France in April and reached 4.8% over one year

Prices continue to rise in France again this month. After reaching 3.6% in February and 4.5% in March on an annual basis, inflation was moderate in April, settling at 4.8% over one year, according to a first estimate published Friday by INSEE.

While a lesser acceleration in energy prices has been observed over the past month, they still rose 26.6% year on year, after jumping 29.2% in March. In this first estimate, INSEE estimates that in April, “energy prices would fall back in line with the fall in the price of petroleum products, and those of manufactured products would slow down”.

Inflation of 3.8% over one year for food

On the other hand, the waltz of labels is accelerating in food, services and manufactured goods. On food, inflation reached 3.8% over one year, after an increase of 2.9% in March. The prices of manufactured goods and services increased by 2.7% and 2.9% respectively compared to April 2021.

Over one month, consumer prices increased by 0.4%, after 1.4% between February and March 2022. The harmonized index (HICP), which serves as a basis for comparison at European level, increased for its part by 5.4% on an annual basis, after 5.1% in March.

France, far from being the only one

A trend that can be observed throughout Europe. On Thursday, Germany thus announced an inflation rate of 7.4% over one year in April, after 7.3% in March. On the same day, the indicator reached 8.4% in Spain, down from March (9.8%).

The Italian inflation figure is expected later on Friday morning. On Thursday, the Vice-President of the European Central Bank Luis de Guindos judged inflation in the euro zone “very close” to its peak.

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