Inflation: Concerted action again in September

Concerted action again in September

Chancellor Olaf Scholz during the government survey in the Bundestag. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

What is the point of the concerted action launched by Chancellor Scholz against high inflation and its consequences? Nothing, says opposition leader Merz in the Bundestag. He suggests something else.

The concerted action by the federal government, employers and trade unions is to meet again in September after its opening meeting last Monday. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) announced this on Wednesday in the Bundestag in the government survey. The time until then should be used for many discussions in order to “do it well prepared”.

CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz rated the meeting as an ineffective instrument against high inflation. These would turn out the same as before: “They last for years, they are endless rounds of talks, they are an alibi for not wanting to push through any reforms in this country.”

Results should be available in the fall

The federal government and social partners have resolved to work together to prevent an imminent economic downturn with significant social consequences in Germany. The results of the dialogue initiated by Scholz should be available in autumn. The Chancellor said in the Bundestag that in view of the threat of further price increases, an overall concept was needed for what was to be done next.

Scholz also referred to the two agreed relief packages, of which measures only gradually took effect, such as the abolition of the EEG surcharge on the electricity bill. The federal government does not leave the citizens and companies alone. He also referred to fundamentally planned reforms such as basic child security.

Scholz later called on companies in the energy sector to exercise moderation via Twitter. “Some companies are making particularly large profits in the current situation with rising energy prices. That’s not ok, »wrote the SPD politician. “My expectation is clear: these companies are obliged to ensure that prices do not shoot through the roof.”

Merz accused the traffic light coalition of inactivity in a current hour. Instead of reforms, they are doing concerted action. “Our country is possibly heading for the worst economic crisis since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany,” warned Merz. It recorded the highest rate of inflation for 30 years, for the first time in decades the balance of trade was turning negative, and German companies were threatened with the final loss of international competitiveness. However, the government stubbornly refuses to consider corporate tax reform.

SPD MP Nina Scheer called it a “blind and clumsy accusation” that the traffic light was not working. She reminded Merz that in the spring he asked the government to cut the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. “That would have been the worst of all.”

Left parliamentary group leader calls for third relief package

Left parliamentary group leader Dietmar Bartsch called for a third relief package in view of ongoing price increases. When the Chancellor himself speaks of social explosives, he can only say: “When are you finally going to send the defusing squad?” The concerted action has so far been “a concerted aerial number”. The prices are now high, so action must be taken now.

A “price avalanche” in the supermarket, energy and housing costs are driving many people into existential fears. Previous aid would not benefit students and pensioners, among others.


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