Inflation compensation of 100 €: who are the one million eligible French people whose payment is impossible?

While Urssaf began payments for non-salaried workers last week, its director alerted this Monday, December 20 to the fact that many bank details are still missing so that it can be paid.

This month of December rhymes with the first payments of the inflation compensation, decided by the government to support the French in the face of the rising cost of living. Are concerned all people who earn less than 2,000 euros per month, regardless of their status – student, employee, self-employed, unemployed, retired – and payments are spread from December to February.

Read also :
Inflation allowance of 100 euros: D-day for the first beneficiaries, who will pay it to you?

Missing information

While this month students, self-employed and employees must receive the allowance, some eligible workers may not receive it. It is on this point that Yann-Gaël Amghar, director of Urssaf, alerted this Monday, December 20, in the columns of the Parisian.

It is indeed Urssaf which is responsible for paying this allowance to the self-employed, home-based employees or self-employed persons. “In total, we must pay the prayer directly to nearly 3 million people “, summarizes the director of Urssaf.

But, problem, a third of bank details of eligible people are missing. “Concretely, we lack the information of 500,000 self-employed and 500,000 home-based employees”, warns Yann-Gaël Amghar.

How to enter your bank details?

Despite a revival campaign, the absence of these contact details prevents the payment of compensation. This is why the director of Urssaf calls on the people concerned to react in order to be able to collect the bonus.

How to proceed: “You just have to go to your online account and fill them in”. The independents must therefore go on, autoentrepreneurs must go to the Urssaf portal dedicated to them, finally home-based employees can go to their Cesu account.

And even if the payment date has passed for some eligible workers, Urssaf is reassuring and reminds us that it is not too late.

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