Indicted, Donald Trump accuses Joe Biden of preventing him from campaigning

Donald Trump does not believe in the independence of prosecutors, despite the pledges provided by the US Department of Justice. On Tuesday, the Republican accused his Democratic rival Joe Biden of preventing him from campaigning. “Joe-la-Crapule took me to court in the middle of an election campaign that I am winning hands down, but which forces me to spend time and money on unrelated things with the campaign, ”assured the former president in front of his supporters in New Hampshire.

Donald Trump has been indicted three times in a few months in separate cases. The septuagenarian is accused of electoral pressure during the 2020 presidential election, negligent management of confidential documents, and suspicious payments to a former porn actress. The former president has pleaded not guilty in all these cases, which he qualifies of “witch hunt”, led by the Biden administration.

Trump says he was charged with ‘bullshit’

At a meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday, he suggested that the many legal appointments in the coming months related to these files could prevent him from being in the field. “I couldn’t go to Iowa today, or to New Hampshire because I would be sitting in a courtroom because of a prosecutor who charged me with bullshit,” he said. conceived.

The crowd of former soldiers present at his meeting and gathered in the small town of Windham then shouted in support: “bullshit! bullshit ! President Joe Biden is careful not to comment on the legal setbacks of his rival, anxious not to fuel his accusations of instrumentalization of justice. Donald Trump also suggested that a fourth indictment could be announced “next week”. It could relate to the electoral pressure exerted on an official in Georgia, after the presidential election of 2020.

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