Increase in allowances of 2.9% on July 1

In recent weeks, the rise in energy and food prices has undermined the purchasing power of the French. A pitfall all the more important for unemployment beneficiaries, whose purchasing power is already weaker than the assets. Unemployment insurance benefits will however be increased by 2.9% from this Friday.

This boost concerns 2.1 million beneficiaries, said Unédic in a press release on Thursday. “During the last 5 years, this revaluation has averaged 0.5%. In its decision, Unédic’s Board of Directors took into account the economic context, in particular inflation, and the financial balance of the scheme,” explains the unemployment insurance management body.

95% of unemployed people receiving benefits concerned

Inflation reached 5.8% in June, according to INSEE. The minimum allowance increases to 30.42 euros per day, against 29.56 euros currently. The revaluation concerns 95% of job seekers receiving compensation on July 1, ie approximately 2.1 million people.

The revaluation of the minimum allowance and the fixed part applies to all the beneficiaries concerned by these parameters from the first day of their revaluation.

Unédic in the green

The increase in daily reference wages concerns benefit recipients who have been receiving benefits for more than six months, ie around 1.9 million people. For approximately 200,000 recipients, only the revaluation of the fixed part applies.

Unédic had confirmed in early June its return to the green after the Covid crisis, with a surplus expected this year at 2.5 billion euros.

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