Incident in New York: Taxi drives into people in Manhattan – three seriously injured

Incident in New York
Taxi drives into people in Manhattan – three seriously injured

TV pictures show the dramatic situation: after an alleged accident, passers-by try to free two trapped women. Photo: Wabc-Tv/WABC-TV/AP/dpa

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A taxi hits two women after colliding with a bicycle on Broadway in New York. The vehicle pushes passers-by against a wall – bystanders try to lift it to help.

A cab drove onto the sidewalk and into a crowd on Broadway in New York.

As the police told the German Press Agency, three people were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. At least six people were injured, including the driver. It was initially unclear how the incident in the New York district of Manhattan could have happened. But the police assumed it was an accident.

The scene was a few blocks south of the Empire State Building in a neighborhood populated by hotels, bars, and restaurants.

Passers-by try to help trapped women

According to initial investigations, the yellow taxi turned left onto Broadway and initially collided with a cyclist, police said. The driver then dodged onto the sidewalk, accelerated and pushed two women against a wall with his car.

“When this happened, a remarkable scene unfolded,” New York City Police Officer John Chell said during a news conference. About 15 to 20 passers-by tried to lift the taxi and free the women from their plight.


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