Incidence reaches record level – expected to double within ten days

Corona pandemic
Incidence hits record high – Montgomery expects to double within ten days

The chairman of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, expects the corona incidence to double within the next ten days.

© Guido Kirchner / DPA

The nationwide seven-day incidence of new corona infections continues to record new highs. According to the RKI, the value has now increased to 444.3.

The seven-day incidence has risen again and has peaked. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) stated the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Saturday morning as 444.3. For comparison: the previous day the value was 438.2, a week ago it was 362.2 (previous month: 118.0). The health authorities in Germany reported 67,125 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. This is evident from the numbers that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 4:11 a.m. On Friday the number of infections was 76,414, exactly one week ago there were 63,924 infections.

According to the new information, 303 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 248 deaths. The RKI has counted 5,717,295 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not recognized.

The number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was given by the RKI on Friday as 5.97 (Thursday: 5.79). The value plays an essential role in assessing the occurrence of the infection. If limit values ​​3, 6 and 9 are exceeded in the federal states, stricter measures to combat the pandemic can be imposed there.

Montgomery expects double the corona incidence within ten days

The chairman of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, expects the corona incidence to double within the next ten days. “In St. Nicholas week we could have incidences between 700 and 800,” the doctor told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Saturday editions). All measures to combat the corona pandemic that are still being taken – even contact restrictions or lockdowns – would only begin to take effect with a delay of two weeks.

“There is nothing we can do about the fact that on the day of Olaf Scholz’s election for Chancellor the numbers will be dramatically high,” said Montgomery. The chairman of the World Medical Association called for a strict reduction in contacts and for the Christmas markets to be closed nationwide in order to lower the infection curve again.

“There’s no point in banning the Christmas markets in one region if people go to another where they’re still open,” said Montgomery. States and municipalities should also ban larger celebrations, fireworks and private gulle on New Year’s Eve. “This not only prevents infections, but also relieves the emergency clinics.”

With regard to the virus variant B.1.1.529 newly discovered in South Africa, Montgomery said that it was a good example that the virus should not be given a chance to mutate. It is still unclear how dangerous the new variant is, but it seems to be spreading extremely quickly. “My great concern is that there could be a variant that is as infectious as Delta and as dangerous as Ebola.”


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