Ina Brandes: Minister of Transport of NRW mourns her husband

Ina Brandes
Transport Minister of NRW mourns her husband

Ina Brandes mourns the loss of her husband Kristian Tangermann.

© imago images/Rüdiger Wölk

The German politician Ina Brandes mourns the loss of her husband Kristian Tangermann. The entire state cabinet is thinking of her.

Ina Brandes (44), the transport minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, mourns the loss of her husband Kristian Tangermann. The mayor of the municipality of Lilienthal in Lower Saxony died at the age of 45. as the “Weser-Kurier” reports.

“It is with great dismay and deep shock that we learned today of the unexpected death of our party friend Kristian Willem Tangermann,” explains Bernd Althusmann (55), state chairman of the CDU in Lower Saxony, in a statement. Tangermann was “a good friend, reliable politician and his wife a loving husband”.

“The family is more important than any office”

Hendrik Wüst (46), Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, spoke up on Twitter. The news of Tangermann’s death “hit him deeply. The entire state cabinet is thinking of Transport Minister Ina Brandes, who has suffered an irreparable loss.”

The state government supports Brandes “in these difficult times – the family is more important than any office,” he continues. Wüst also personally mourns “a longtime political friend”.


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