In your opinion, are the glass ceiling and gender prejudices still relevant for women in science?

It is not Marie Curie who wants. And still one of the most famous French scientists is too often associated with her husband Pierre whether for his research on radioactivity or on street name plaques. On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11 and as 2020 has seen three Nobel-winning female researchers, one in physics and two in chemistry, where do we stand in the progress of gender equality in scientific careers?

It still seems that the gender imbalance is well anchored in the science professions. And the concern is growing: in a press release published on Tuesday, January 25, the various associations for the promotion of mathematics in France warn of “the worsening of inequalities between girls and boys in mathematics in high school” due, according to them, to the disappearance of the S sector. in the school reform of 2019. In higher education, the results are not much better: in 2017, girls were only 36% in science and 27% in engineering training, noted the association Femmes et Science.

We are not far from wondering if the sciences are not sexist…

Are you a science researcher and have you been a victim of gender bias or the glass ceiling? Have you witnessed sexist acts concerning your school orientation? Do you have an opinion on potential solutions to balance the scales?

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