In Toulouse, Mélenchon poses as the only recourse against Macron and the far right

In freezing cold, nearly 25,000 people gathered this Sunday afternoon on the Place du Capitole to come and listen to Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the occasion of his last outdoor meeting, a week before the first round of the Presidential . In Toulouse, in a city that had placed him ahead of Emmanuel Macron in 2017 during the first round, the Insoumis tribune landed as the only recourse against the outgoing president and the far right.

As a bulwark against Macron and the far right

Given third in the latest polls, with 15% of the vote behind the incumbent and the candidate of the National Rally, he warned of “the danger of eclipsing the debate if Le Pen or Zemmour are in the second round against Macron”. The deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône has thus shelled out the subjects, from retirement at 60 to the increase in the minimum wage, as many markers which differentiate him from the other three candidates.

But beyond his cleavages with the extreme right, he also wanted to convince on themes dear to the left. In particular ecology, a field occupied by the candidate of the Greens Yannick Jadot whose name he has not once mentioned. “These three will not talk about getting out of nuclear, if you elect me, we will start the exit plan immediately,” he promised in front of a crowd.

He also engaged in his desire to ban pesticides, junk food or factory farms. Or even water resources, a question on which he wants to do “planning work” and end intensive agriculture in parallel. “For a kilo of beef, you need 15,000 liters of water, it’s worth thinking about,” he said.

But he did not limit himself to rolling out his program to try to convince those who might be tempted to vote for Jadot in the first round. He also castigated the one who is in the lead, mocking his meeting yesterday, “a festival of canards”. “The last time I went to the Arena was to see Pink Floyd. It was fuller and less hovering, ”he quipped about Emmanuel Macron’s political rally.

Macron, the one who “brought the private sector into the state”

He also pointed to the resumption of Philippe Poutou’s slogan “our lives are worth more than their profits” by the outgoing president, accusing him of having gone very far in liberalism, of being the one who “brought the private sector into the state”. Beyond the job cuts at the hospital or in certain state services such as the National Forestry Office, the representative of the People’s Union did not fail to express his opinion on the Mckinsey affair, from the name of this consulting firm used by the government for more than a billion euros last year.

“That’s the annual salary of 1,200 civil servants. They spent 500,000 euros to reflect on the future of the teaching profession. There are 200 general inspectors whose job it is, all you had to do was ask them and it was free. If you elect me, it will be forbidden to entrust to the private sector what the State and its officials are capable of doing, “he assured, indicating that he would propose the opening of a preliminary investigation to the against the consulting firm.

Faced with capital, he posed as a defender of purchasing power, proposing to freeze prices. He also recalled that he was in favor of the amnesty of yellow vests, trade unionists, “as of all those who defended us as whistleblowers who showed courage”.

Proposals that he will still have to bring during the coming week to try to win more votes. “Until the last limit, we will fight to get the expected victory with our teeth,” he assured.

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