in the second round, former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin “will dismiss Marine Le Pen and vote for Emmanuel Macron”

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11:17 a.m. : Jean Castex does not know the system of proxies??…

11:17 a.m. : Should have voted in Paris! He didn’t have time to register on the electoral lists?

11:17 a.m. : Many of you in the comments expressed your indignation after Jean Castex’s round trip in a Falcon on Sunday, to go and vote in his polling station in the Alpes-Maritimes. The Prime Minister must be in Paris “very quickly if there is the slightest problem”, did he justify this morning on RTL.

11:05 a.m. : Bruno Le Maire said this morning on Cnews prefer a compromise or an agreement on pension reform to a referendum on this subject, mentioned as a possibility by Emmanuel Macron. “Afterwards, if there are no other solutions, the President of the Republic has not excluded it, so it is not excluded”added the Minister of the Economy about a popular consultation.

10:55 : “Make no mistake, nothing is settled”, declared Emmanuel Macron on Sunday evening, avoiding any triumphalism after his victory in the first round. Our journalist Margaux Duguet deciphers her strategy for his in-between-rounds campaign. In summary: a lot of ground, refrain from demonizing Marine Le Pen and seek out left-wing voters.


10:31 a.m. : Lionel Jospin “will dismiss Le Pen and vote for Emmanuel Macron” in the second round, announces the former Socialist Prime Minister.

Lionel Jospin announces his support for Emmanuel Macron on April 12, 2022. (THOMAS SAMSON / AFP)(THOMAS SANSON / AFP)

10:13 a.m. : Jean Castex traveled by Falcon on Sunday to Perpignan to vote in his town of Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), arousing numerous criticisms of the financial and environmental cost of such a plane trip. The Prime Minister must be in Paris very quickly if there is the slightest problem. The period is for controversy”, did he swipe on RTL this morning.

The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, in Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales), April 10, 2022, during the first round of the presidential election.  (JC MILHET / HANS LUCAS)(JC MILHET / HANS LUCAS)

10:08 :

10:09 : “The importance of the decisions to come obliges me to leave my reserve to indicate in all clarity what my vote will be”writes Nicolas Sakozy in his press release posted on his social networks, specifying that Emmanuel Macron “has the necessary experience to deal with a serious international crisis that is more complex than ever”. He also points out that the outgoing president “puts the value of work at the center of all its priorities”.

10:14 a.m. : “I will vote for Emmanuel Macron”, announces the former President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, in a press release.


09:56 : Jean-François Copé says to himself “sorry” that his party “is unable to assume a position of total opposition with Le Pen”. The mayor of Meaux and former president of the UMP blames his political family not to clearly call for a second round vote for Emmanuel Macron in order to block the RN.

09:35 : For all French people.#MarinePrésidente

09:34 : Marine Le Pen has just made public a new very sober poster showing her sitting with her hands on a desk, where we can read “for all French people”. This is a “nod to the official photo” of the current President of the Republic, explained to AFP a close friend of the candidate.

09:17 : Let’s take a look at the news:

Second day of the between-two-round campaign for Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. On France Inter, the president of the RN denounced a “treason” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon towards his constituents when he called them Sunday evening at “do not [lui] give one voice”. For his part, Gérald Darmanin defended Emmanuel Macron’s concession made last night on pension reform. “It’s called listening”underlined the Minister of the Interior. Follow our live.

The russian forces maintain their pressure on the strategic port city of Mariupol, which Ukrainian soldiers are desperately trying to defend. The Russians have been besieging and bombarding this strategic city for weeks, the capture of which would allow them to consolidate their territorial gains on the coastal strip along the Sea of ​​Azov by connecting the Donbass regions to the Crimean peninsula, annexed by Moscow in 2014.

Six Russian agents operating in France “under diplomatic cover” have been “declared persona non grata” on the territory. This decision follows “a very long investigation” of the DGSI which made it possible to update “a clandestine operation carried out by the Russian intelligence services” on French soil, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its press release.

israeli police shot dead a Palestinian this morning who had just stabbed a policeman in the southern coastal city of Ashkelon, law enforcement said

08:59 : “We cannot say that, socially, the situation has improved”, during Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, replies Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) to a listener #le79Inter #Presidentielle2022 #Elysee2022

08:59 : On France Inter, Marine Le Pen ensures that VSEs and SMEs “have not stopped complaining, saying that Emmanuel Macron has only created devices that have benefited large groups”. “It is those who did not need to be helped who in fact have been”adds the leader of the National Rally.

08:52 : For Gérald Darmanin, Eric Zemmour “played useful idiots” on behalf of Marine Le Pen by being more radical than her, while the candidate of the National Rally “try”, according to him, “to erase its roughness.”

08:50 : Guest of franceinfo, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, affirms that “Marine Le Pen does not say how she will recover the money” and that his program “is a shameless lie that will lead the country, and especially small savers, to ruin.”

08:42 : For Marine Le Pen, “Ihe veil is an Islamist uniform, it is not a Muslim uniform. It is the uniform of an ideology, not the uniform of a religion”, assures the RN candidate on France Inter. She wants to ban the wearing of the veil in the street.

08:32 : .@MLP_officiel: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s behavior was for me a source of great astonishment: he was harder five years ago against a virtual Emmanuel Macron than on Sunday against a real Emmanuel Macron. He has more thought of him than of the French” #le79Inter #Elysee2022

08:32 : “Jean-Luc Mélenchon was closer to Emmanuel Macron on Sunday evening than he was five years ago.”

Guest of the France Inter morning show this morning, Marine Le Pen believes that “Jean-Luc Mélenchon thought more of himself than of the French, thought more of his elected officials than of the voters”calling not to vote for her on Sunday evening. “IIt is already in the legislative”, believes the candidate of the RN.It’s a betrayal on his part.” she assures.

08:23 : For Julien Odoul, spokesperson for the RN, Emmanuel Macron “reacts like a shopkeeper” mentioning the possibility of“to open the door” to a postponement of the retirement age to 64 years, instead of 65 years as he proposed until then. “He can see that this measure today is scary”analyzes the support of Marine Le Pen.

08:04 : With 4.78% of the vote in the first round, Valérie Pécresse is very far from the 20% achieved by François Fillon, the Republican candidate in 2017. Our journalist, Noé Baudoin, explains who right-wing voters turned to This year.

Candidates in the lead in 2022 in the municipalities which had placed Fillon in the lead in 2017 (MATHIEU LEHOT-COUETTE / FRANCEINFO)

07:51 : Guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Jordan Bardella addresses the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon: Will they vote for a candidate who proposes retirement at 65? (…) Who swept away the citizens’ initiative referendum? With Marine Le Pen, there will be no fakes”assures the president of the RN.

07:50 : For the acting president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, Emmanuel Macron “it’s everything and the opposite of everything“. He notes that the outgoing president moderates “his argument” on retirement at age 65 “approaching the second round”.

07:22 : The Midi Dispatch stresses that Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen have now “twelve days to convince” and that the candidates were already “in the field yesterday” : the first in Denain (North), where her rival came first in the first round, the second in Yonne, where she spoke a lot about purchasing power.

07:22 : “Red Nerves” title South Westwhich points out that “the political forces digest the defeat in pain”. The daily notes that Emmanuel Macron came first in the Bordeaux conurbation, followed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

07:14 : As for the regional dailies, The Republican East quotes in one the PS mayor of Nancy, Mathieu Klein, who believes that the Socialist Party “is dead”. “This failure is a collective failure”he added, moved.

07:09 : For The Parisian, abstentionists and Mélenchon voters will be “second round referees”. The daily also looks at the “SOS” launched yesterday by Valérie Pécresse. The Republican candidate made a “call for donations” for the “survival” Republican finances.

06:56 : The world talk about a second round “more uncertain”emphasizing that the situation “has changed drastically” compared to 2017, “with a reserve of votes for the far right and an outcome that promises to be tighter”.

06:47 : It’s time for the press review! Release made its front page on Emmanuel Macron’s between-two-rounds campaign, which began yesterday in Denain (North), with a “strategy of conquest of the left electorate”.

09:49 : We start with a point on the news:

Emmanuel Macron said he was ready last nighton the first day of the second-round campaign, at “to open the door” a postponement of the retirement age to 64, rather than 65 as it appears in its programme, “if there is too much tension” and that it can “build consensus”. “I am ready to move the relationship to time and say that we do not necessarily make a reform until 2030 if I feel too much anxiety among people”, he declared in particular.

For her part, Marine Le Pen, who says she has been learning for five years, must speak to the media first in the morning on France Inter this morning and then in the evening, at “8 p.m.” on TF1. The RN candidate, who defends the maintenance of retirement at 62, wants to initiate a profound reform of the institutions, if she is elected president on April 24, by resorting in particular to the referendum and by registering the “national priority” in the Basic Law. This principle will “to the French only” to access certain social benefits, as detailed in its programme.

The russian forces maintain their pressure on the strategic port city of Mariupol, which Ukrainian soldiers are desperately trying to defend, and in eastern Ukraine, where kyiv expects a major offensive soon. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of having used chemical weapons in this city. The UK is trying to verify this information.

Nicolas Zepeda, who stubbornly denies having murdered his Japanese ex-girlfriend Narumi Kurosaki, will be fixed today on his fate, the day after the requisitions of the general attorney who asked for life imprisonment against him.

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