In the pre-campaign, Valérie Pécresse crisscrosses France

“I have a furious desire to make the reforms that for ten years we have put in the closet” … Valérie Pécresse, part after Xavier Bertrand in the presidential race, does not intend to be left behind on the right and continues her turn of France this Wednesday and Thursday in Brittany.

In Plounévez-Lochrist (Finistère) where she listens to young farmers, the discussion is serious this Wednesday: installation, standards, inputs … “In my region, I have two million rural people, it is also an agricultural region”, recalls the ex-LR president of Ile-de-France, anxious to correct a sometimes urban image.

“A project to put the country in order”

Since she declared her candidacy on July 22, Valérie Pécresse, 54, has been traveling the country: Issoire, Marseille, Montpellier… before Saint-Brieuc on Thursday and, on August 28, the start of her Free movement! in Brive-la-Gaillarde, after a week of traveling in all directions. “When we want to carry a project for France, we test the solutions throughout France,” she says, defending “a project to restore order to the country” that she wants “extremely ambitious”. A work patiently developed by Patrick Stefanini (former campaign director of François Fillon) on the regal and immigration, and fed by Frédéric Lemoine (former deputy secretary general of the Elysee under Jacques Chirac) on economic, social and environmental themes .

“There are a number of essential subjects that I do not hear the right tackle: school, ecology, family, justice, education … If we want France to regain its pride, and this is my common thread, we must approach them ”, explains the one who hardened her speech on sovereign themes and made the defense of the values ​​of the republic a mantra. Has she fallen behind Xavier Bertrand (ex-LR), in the race since April, and who is also increasing the number of trips this summer? “I had to be re-elected in my region to be able to project myself on a national ambition”, explains the former minister, comfortably renewed during the regional meetings at the end of June.

“No opponent”

According to an Elabe poll published in early August by The echoes, Xavier Bertrand collects 31% positive opinions, against 26% for Valérie Pécresse and 22% for Laurent Wauquiez. But the three are neck and neck in the right-wing electorate. Laurent Wauquiez has not yet revealed his intentions for 2022 but Xavier Bertrand intends to present himself at all costs, without going through the primary box to which his rivals would agree to comply, if necessary, in November. What promises an insoluble puzzle if all camp on their positions. “You have to play the game of the collective approach which is to bring people together”, insists Valérie Pécresse, taking care to spare her rivals. “For me, there is no opponent in my political family”. The match is not folded, we say in his entourage, “the elected officials are wondering, they have not made their decision.”

But we are also worried about the “tolerance threshold of right-wing voters” in the face of the soap opera of the nomination of the candidate. “I hope they will know how to avoid the pattern of five years ago, but it does not necessarily take the path,” sighs Gildas, 65, in the village hall of Plouzévédé where 200 supporters listen to the candidate. outline the main thrusts of its program. “Valérie Pécresse plays the game, while Xavier Bertrand it’s a bit like ‘me I’. And then it’s a woman, that’s a plus, ”said Eric, 53 years old. A card whose candidate, “ready to be the first woman President of the Republic”, also plays. “I have a less divisive leadership, with authority but also the search for consensus,” she assures.

Her travels are also an opportunity to meet elected officials: she had lunch on Wednesday on the island of Batz with the LR president of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, who is close, secured the support of the president of Finistère Maël de Calan , and will meet on Thursday Senator LR Alain Cadec who had received Xavier Bertrand at the end of July during his own Tour de France.

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