In the night of Saturday – Burglary in Germeringer jewelry store – Fürstenfeldbruck

So far unknown perpetrators broke into a jewelry store on the Rathausplatz in Germering on Saturday night and, according to the police headquarters of Upper Bavaria North, stole jewelry “of enormous value”. The Fürstenfeldbruck criminal police have started the investigation and are looking for witnesses. According to current knowledge, the perpetrators entered the shop via the back of the jewelry store. There they brutally destroyed several showcases in a very short time and stole the displayed pieces of jewelry. Unrecognized, they managed to leave the building before the police station arrived and to flee in an unknown direction. A witness living nearby had heard loud noises of broken glass shortly after one o’clock. He immediately alerted the police via an emergency call. A little later, the announcer heard a vehicle drive away. Anyone who can provide relevant information can contact the criminal police on 08141/6120.

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