“In the niche” and “creolization”… Summary of a heated debate between Zemmour and Mélenchon

Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Eric Zemmour did not take it easy when they met on C8 on Thursday evening. Guests in the program “Face à Baba” by Cyril Hanouna to debate, the two presidential candidates fought over the theory of the “great replacement” supported by Eric Zemmour. A theory supported by certain far-right figures claiming that there would be a people of “French stock” who could be replaced by “foreigners”.

“We agree, we both see the France of 2050, I’m the great replacement “Launched Eric Zemmour to the Insoumis candidate who then replied:” I see France creolized “. “It’s exactly the same thing, creolization, I call it Islamization,” said the far-right candidate. “The future of France with Mélenchon is Roubaix, Islamization, Afghanistan two hours from Paris,” he continued, referring to a decried report recently broadcast on M6.

“Muslims are not French? »

“You make me laugh with your animal fears,” retorted Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “The process of creolization is neither a program nor an idea, it is a fact”, he developed. Creolization is a concept created by the Martinican poet Edouard Glissant who gave this definition in an interview with World : “Creolization is a crossbreeding of arts, or languages ​​that produces the unexpected”. “It has nothing to do with religions, which do not creolize, they are a dogma, they do not mix”, thus justified Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“You are looking for a substitute electorate, because you and the left have lost the French people,” said Eric Zemmour. “You should be ashamed of what you just said. Muslims are not French? exclaimed Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “You want to divide the French people, I want to unify them. The French will never want people like you to have power”, “sour, recluse, locked up”, he lashed out.

“You don’t talk to me like a dog! »

The two men also disagreed on immigration. “We only leave in pain, no one does not enjoy it, especially since it is very dangerous”, estimated the rebellious. “Once they [les migrants] are there, I refuse to mistreat them, I treat them humanely”. He defended “family reunification, because an immigrant will behave more easily with society if he has a family for responsibility”. “I am for family reunification with them”, in their country of origin, declared Eric Zemmour. “They must no longer want to come for our allowances”.

“You should be ashamed to talk like that,” replied Jean-Luc Mélenchon again. And while he was trying to speak and Eric Zemmour cut him off, Jean-Luc Mélenchon gave him a rather surprising order: “To the doghouse! Peace, dog! “. Enough to make Eric Zemmour angry: “You don’t talk to me like a dog! Okay Melenchon? So enough is enough now! “. It slips away and it slips.

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