In the middle of Unterföhring – that’s what he thought, the dog – district of Munich

The neighbors now have a dog too. It’s not surprising, because when you’re out in the woods or in a park, you get the feeling that everyone has a dog now. At least one. Animal family additions are a trend in this pandemic. According to a study by consumption and media analysis, Vuma for short, almost two million more households now own a dog than at the beginning of the Corona crisis. A total of 12.27 million had a single dog in 2021, but the desire for a second dog also persists. Because you get along great, dog and master. Is that so?

If you ask dog owners what their animal thinks, many are probably deeply convinced that they know this. “He just wants to play” is one of the most common thought transferences between humans and dogs. But you can imagine the outrage at such a question about the dog’s thoughts. Since Loriot we also know that dogs can even talk. The unforgettable Dr. Finally, Sommer credibly assured: “For four years I taught the animal eight hours a day, through slow auditions, tongue exercises and intensive breathing techniques…” To the sober realization of his interlocutor that “the dog cannot speak at all”, Dr . Sommer was a bit indignant at the time: “That’s an outrageous claim!”

Loriot’s sketch dates back to 1977. It is very likely that science in the field of talking dogs is already much more advanced today. In the realm of thinking dogs, at least, it is. In Unterföhring, the North Adult Education Center has now been able to win a doctorate in biology for a lecture, who has been researching the subject of dog cognition for 20 years. On the Thursday after the carnival holidays, Dr. Juliane Bräuer explain online, “What dogs know”. She leads the dog study at the Max Plank Institute for Human History in Jena.

So if you’re wondering what the dog is actually thinking when it lolls so disrespectfully on the sofa, whether it has a guilty conscience when it does something forbidden and whether it’s pure calculation that it looks so cute, you can look at this one Click in the VHS evening for seven euros, gladly together with the dog. Then he will surely find out that he is already a dog, the dog.

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