In the middle of Haar – noise in the forest of leaves – district of Munich

The simpleton lacks the real sense of life, which is revealed to the hedonist as a matter of course. The latter is happy about this today and tomorrow about that. On Tuesday he enjoys boiled beef with fresh horseradish and clicks his tongue on Wednesday because bream with orange and garlic is on the menu of the day in his favorite restaurant. He just loves diversity and appreciates that the world is colorful and can offer a surprise every day.

What applies to food also applies to politics. And there the people from Haar live in the land of milk and honey of diversity of opinion. It has always been discussed and sometimes argued. Today the blacks are dishing up their truth, tomorrow the reds and the day after tomorrow the greens will be around the corner with their view of things. The Internet has recently enlivened the whole thing and offered the FDP, as a small but opinionated player, a forum in Haar. But now the good old party postille is making a comeback in Haar. It rustles powerfully in the local leaf forest.

Currently in print the hairer the paper of the hour. The CSU won the recent local elections and took the momentum with it. Since then, the followers have been producing one issue after the other while flying high, while the others ran out of steam a little in between. The Greens are back on the market and have just released their new edition of green times put in the mailboxes. The Social Democracy is now leaving the old party newspaper Exactly revive in an adapted format. It should be faster than before and come along like a magazine, they say. And you don’t just want to reach the people in your own bubble. The printed party newspaper should show everyone in Haar who has a mailbox: the SPD is still there.

So the Haarer can read in three versions exactly what is happening in the town hall and find out why green times are now dawning. The only thing missing is that the FDP publishes its view of things on paper, for example as the “Yellow from the Egg”. The open culture of debate was recently neglected in the municipal council because it was dismissed as bickering. Now the people from Haar are arguing about what the others have written again. Nothing changes.

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