In the Hauts-de-Seine triangular, “the game is still very open”

“Did you see the percentage they made?” On the way to lunch, a couple from Asniérois discuss politics. A few days before the second round, the legislative elections mobilize the inhabitants in the 2nd district of Hauts de Seine (Asnières-sur-Seine and Colombes Sud). One of the seven constituencies in France where three candidates qualified for the second round. Francesca Pasquini (EELV), candidate for Nupes, came out on top in the first round (27.41%). This Sunday, she will face Baï-Audrey Achidi (Together!) and Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann (LR), vice-president of the Ile-de-France region, in a triangular.

This is played in a pocket handkerchief since the latter two respectively obtained 26.79% and 24.99% of the votes. “The game is still very open,” notes candidate LR. To collect the votes that will make the difference on Sunday, activists from all three parties are on the ground this week. Monday evening, Nupes activists towed in front of Asnières station. Supporters of the Republican candidate were there the next day. This Wednesday evening, the candidate of Ensemble! organizes its last public meeting, at the Mauriceau school.

“The left will not be able to win”

“The town hall does me a favor,” explains Rosa, 66. When I ask them for something, they help me so I will vote for them”. Understanding the Aeschlimanns. Candidate LR is the wife of Manuel Aeschlimann, mayor of Asnières-sur-Seine (1999-2008 and again since 2014). With 29.51% of the vote, Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann ranks first in the city.

A prospect that chills some. “It’s always a bit of a problem for me to link family and politics”, explains Pierre, a young man from Asniérois. Like him, several residents compare the Aeschlimanns to the Balkanys, “even if they are cleaner”. The idea of ​​voting for the candidate of the presidential majority, “parachuted”, does not appeal more. “I am a macronist but I still voted for another party in the first round, to show my disagreement”, explains Arnaud.

Despite this, the inhabitants of Asnières-sur-Seine see the right winning in the second round. “The Republicans are very rooted here, it’s a right-wing city, regrets Mathilde, who still plans to vote for the candidate Nupes this Sunday. The left cannot win. »

Abstainers, reservoir of votes for Nupes

In Colombes, the inhabitants are more optimistic about the chances of victory for Francesca Pasquini (Nupes). “It’s Mélenchon’s party that will win,” says Rebecca, 79. Here, rue Saint-Denis, people do not necessarily vote for him. But all the minorities who live around will do it. The city’s leftward trend has already been confirmed in the last municipal elections. Ecologist Patrick Chaimovitch then took the city from Nicole Goueta (LR).

“La Nupes has positioned itself very well nationally and at the constituency level, so I remain hopeful,” adds Manon. The day before, the young woman met Nupes activists who were towing in front of Asnières station. Since then, she has been considering joining them to motivate abstainers to vote on Sunday. “I think that our reserve of votes lies in those people who did not vote in the first round (44% of those registered), and I go into the field to convince them to vote”, supports Francesca Pasquini.

A strategy that leaves some skeptics. “I think the left has already exhausted its voice pool,” says Arnaud. I wouldn’t have said that if the whole city belonged to the 2nd precinct. But, in Colombes Sud, we are in neighborhoods historically located on the right, or in the center-right. Colombians represent a third of the votes in the constituency, which is divided between 50,000 voters in Asnières-sur-Seine and 20,000 in Colombes-Sud.

Call for useful vote

After the victory of Nupes in the first round of the legislative elections, Baï-Audrey Achidi and Marie-Dominique Aeschlimann call for a dam. The candidate Together! adds “in the face of the danger of the extreme left”. Each calls for the withdrawal of the candidacy of the other. “You have to appreciate what the capacity for carrying votes is, for a useful vote”, supports the Republican who believes she can play this role.

On Twitter, Manuel Aeschlimann, mayor of Asnières and husband of candidate LR, relays the words of certain elected officials who demand the withdrawal of Baï-Audrey Achidi. The latter say they speak on behalf of the centrists and macronists. “Old-fashioned and misleading politics, which leads to a loss of voter confidence”, criticizes this one. A major concern after the abstention of 44% of those registered on the electoral lists, in the first round.

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