In the Gard, Perrier fights at the source against the shortage

“I can’t take it anymore, I want Perrier!” When is it coming back? » On Twitter, a user gets impatient. For several months, he has had trouble finding bottles of Perrier, the sparkling water he loves. “I shoot San Pellegrino, but the bubbles are less strong. If you know of any powerful sparkling waters, I’m all ears! “, he launches, on the social network, like a bottle in the sea. Yes, the Perrier is a rare commodity, lately. Production is slowing down, and bottles are rare on the shelves.

This water, drawn for more than a century in Vergèze (Gard), is the victim of an addition of two phenomena, which make its production difficult. First, the climatic conditions. The source is, indeed, not in great shape. “The natural mineral water industry has been confronted with increasingly difficult operating conditions in recent months, in particular due to climatic events that have become more frequent and intense, with alternating episodes of drought and heavy rain,” says 20 minutes Nestlé Waters, the subsidiary of Nestlé, owner of the Perrier brand.

The shortage could last “a few more months”

But if it bubbles less, in recent months, for the famous green bottle, it is also due to shortages, “in the supply chain of certain raw materials”, continues the group. If Nestlé Waters does not specify what it is in the information that has been sent to us, it would essentially be the difficulties in obtaining supplies of CO2, due to the global context, which are slowing down production.

“All of these elements affect Nestlé Waters’ ability to ensure full availability of Perrier products in the short term and even for a few months, continues the group. We do our best to make Perrier available as soon as possible. In Vergèze, Nestlé Waters has undertaken modernization work to ensure sustainable management, at the source, to prevent these shortages from recurring.

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