In the Créteil academy, 60% of middle and high schools affected by the lack of teachers

“Yes, there will be a teacher in front of each student,” promised Gabriel Attal, the new Minister of Education, shortly before the start of the school year. It is clear that this promise is not kept, according to a survey by the Snes-FSU union on nearly 508 middle and high schools.

There is a lack of at least one teacher in almost half of the establishments in France, but it is in the Créteil academy, i.e. in Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis and in Val-de- Marne, that the situation is the most critical, with 60% of middle and high schools affected as of September 7. The Versailles academy (Yvelines, Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine and Val-d’Oise) is also very affected, with 59% of establishments presenting deficiencies. The subjects most affected are modern literature, English, mathematics and engineering sciences.

“National Education tinkers”

“The shock of attractiveness did not take place! », deplores the Snes-FSU, while this year more than 3,100 positions were not filled in the teaching competitions in the country. To solve the vocations crisis, the executive has proposed a kind of pact with the teachers which provides for new salary increases in return for new tasks, in particular to carry out short-term replacements.

“National Education is tinkering: there are classified ads circulating on Facebook or via Pôle emploi to recruit teachers, it’s nonsense”, regrets Sophie Vénétitay, secretary general of Snes-FSU, deploring “holes in the timetables of thousands of students”, a “scandal” according to her. “It’s always and again the start of the shortage,” she commented. “How can we accept that in 2023 we will not be able to ensure the return to school for all students with trained teachers? asks the trade unionist.

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