In the center of Gerland, the 5-11 year olds faced their first bite

Not even afraid. Léa, 10, has just received her first vaccine. “It went well,” she nods. Her mom is a nurse, “so she’s been well briefed!” », Smiles the latter. “Lea knew what to expect, and we did it with her consent. “This Meyzieu family was almost fully vaccinated,” including the 15-year-old big brother, and as soon as I knew there were time slots for children, I managed to get an appointment on
Doctolib from today “.

Idriss, 7 years old, has the skittish air of the little boy who would have liked to be brave, too, but “he was very afraid of the injection and he cried a little”, says his father. If he took his son today, “It’s because my wife and I had our third dose, but it was positive last week. So I preferred to vaccinate my son quickly, so that we don’t all get sick at home! “

2,200 slots open this week for 5-11 year olds

These children are among the 460 who passed through the Gerland vaccination center on Monday, which vaccinates children aged 5 to 11 by appointment today, Wednesday and Friday. Those with risks, such as co-morbidity or living with an immunocompromised person, could be vaccinated since December 15, but the school holidays have led most parents to postpone their appointment requests.

“2,200 slots were opened during the week,” explains Dr. Jihane Fattoum, deputy head of the emergency department at Edouard-Herriot hospital. “The acceleration of the vaccination campaign, and that of the contamination epidemic, made us take this decision quickly. We had already opened on December 19 to vaccinate children at risk, likely to develop a severe form of Covid-19, these will be able to receive their second dose this Sunday. “

A vaccination course adapted to children

It is the pediatric form of the Pfizer vaccine which is administered, after the signing of a parental authorization and a pre-vaccination consultation. If children fear the needle, parents fear the side effects more. However, Dr Fattoum noticed “that in children, there were much less undesirable effects such as a small fever, chills, pain at the injection site, the classic effects of any vaccine. What we saw today is some discomfort… Mainly related to the bite itself! “To reassure this population,” eight doctors, 20 nurses, 10 students are there to reassure, explain, and welcome the two different flows “. Because the center is always open to adults, vaccinated in a differentiated queue.

Children are entitled to a slightly longer vaccination course, including a TROD, a rapid diagnostic orientation test: “It is a prick on the fingertip, which allows to know if the child has already been in. contact with Covid-19: if this is the case, he will only have one injection to complete his vaccination schedule, ”continues Dr Fattoum. “If he is negative, he will resume an appointment within 3 weeks for his second injection. “As a reminder, the Gerland center will offer exceptional nightlife on Wednesday January 5 and Friday January 7, from 8 pm to midnight, for 12-30 year olds (Pfizer vaccine). Lea and Idriss, they returned home by hopping, not unhappy to have passed this stage.

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