“In the car Simone”, return on the epic of the show

If you think back to your past summers, what memories come to mind? A delicious ice cream eaten in front of a sunset? The satisfaction of a perfect tan? At the house of 20 minutes, we love lemon sorbets and tanned complexions, but what we love even more is the television and all the good times that go with it.

During the summer, there is no doubt that you have turned on your station, whether it is to follow the Tour de France and the Olympics if it is your hobby, or to relax in front of one of the cult programs that the TV offers us every season.

“Shananananana Shanananana”

“Top à la vachette” and “en car Simone”, two common expressions of the French language popularized thanks to the small screen. We owe them to Intervilles and all its panoply of animators, ranging from Guy Lux, Simone Garnier and Léon Zitrone to Jean-Pierre Foucault, Nagui, Tex and Olivier Minne until his stop in 2009.

Before that, the program had many lifetimes, appearing for the first time on RTF then being exported to ORTF, FR3, TF1 and the public service in the 2000s. In fifty years, Intervilles had time to unleash passions and make headlines, especially because of the Olivier Chiabodo affair. We come back to the history of video games in the seventh issue ofA summer in front of the TV.

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