in Strasbourg, a man victim of discomfort saved thanks to his cat

He had been on the ground for three days. A man suffering from discomfort in his apartment in Strasbourg was saved thanks to the meowing of his cat, reports the national police of Bas-Rhin. The victim, aged about sixty, could no longer get up or call for help.

It was finally her neighbors who were alerted by the kitten’s repeated meows from the veranda. Worried that they would no longer hear from the owner of the premises, they notified the police. The officials then entered the apartment and found the weakened 60-year-old on the ground. The firefighters transferred him to the hospital.

As for the little cat, it was provisionally entrusted to the SPA. The police put forward the exploit of the feline on his
twitter account, calling him a “hero”, photo in support.

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