In Nice, Graig Monetti in the campaign to steal his place from Eric Ciotti

Christian Estrosi had several options. But to dislodge his former ally Eric Ciotti from his seat as a deputy, occupied since 2007 in the first constituency of Nice, the tracks Olivier Bettati and Philippe Soussi were ultimately not retained. The profile of the first, candidate with Marion Maréchal in 2015 and former vice-president of the FN group in the region, did not stick. The second, elected Macronist convinced of the municipal majority, would have declined anyway. It is his deputy delegate for youth, Graig Monetti, also a supporter of the President of the Republic, whom the mayor has dubbed for the next legislative elections.

At 28, the chief of staff of the Minister of Higher Education Frédérique Vidal will lead his first campaign on his behalf. With an LR opponent designated and already attacked: “Eric Ciotti is the far right”, dropped Graig Monetti in the columns of Nice morning. On the contrary, he would be there to “defend a right-wing project, of social progress, of common sense”, he explains to 20 minutes.

The municipal elections of 2026 in sight

He also says he wants to integrate into his project “a large part of humanism in which many left-wing personalities will find themselves” to whom he “tends his hand”. His candidacy embodies “this new generation of serious and popular right in which Christian Estrosi trusts”, boasts his first deputy Anthony Borré. Above all, she hopes to be able to rake as wide as possible.

Because the stakes are high. And could even have long-term repercussions. “Behind all this, there are also the municipal elections. And Christian Estrosi dictates this candidacy to try to trip up Eric Ciotti “, potential candidate, and therefore opponent, in 2026, assures Auguste Vérola, the deputy of the outgoing deputy. This deputy deposed by Christian Estrosi, with whom Eric Ciotti is running again for the legislative elections, has planned to return the blows. “Graig Monetti repeats what he is told. It is remote controlled, ”he asserts.

No reconquest candidates! against Ciotti

Eric Ciotti, who did not respond to requests from 20 minutes, should keep the scoop of his statements for the official launch of his campaign, Saturday at his HQ. In the meantime, he can already count on the support of the Reconquest party! Eric Zemmour has already announced that he would not send a candidate against him.

Something to give grain to grind at the Estrosi camp. “Nice’s first constituency has been in the wrong hands for almost 20 years. The hands of the far right displayed with Jérôme Rivière and those of the far right hidden with Eric Ciotti, tance Marc Concas, a figure on the left who had joined the mayor of Nice in 2020. Graig Monetti will put an end to this situation. »

Other candidacies will be formalized in the coming days to arbitrate this duel which is already taking shape. The RN should validate this Wednesday that of Muriel Vitetti. And it will be Anne-Laure Chaintron (LFI) that the “New popular ecological and social union” of left-wing parties will enthrone on Saturday.

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