in Moselle, an LREM deputy threatened with beheading on his website

“Even when you are no longer an MP, you will still be hunted. This is the first sentence of a chilling message received by Ludovic Mendes, LREM deputy for the 2nd district of Moselle, via the contact form on his website. The chosen one himself made the threat public on his Facebook page,
relates France Bleu Lorraine North.

In the message, an anonymous person promises in particular to the deputy of ” [venir le] behead ”. “This couch terrorist method is shamefully cowardly. […] Nothing can motivate so much hatred and violence, whatever it is, “lamented Ludovic Mendes in his post on the social network. In the past, the MP indicates that he has already been confronted with threatening messages. “To think that this could cast doubt on my commitments […] is a big mistake, ”he said.

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