In Mauves, a spectacular excavation site could reveal “hundreds of graves”

Carefully, using brushes and spatulas, they dig “into 1,200 years of history”. A few days ago, a major archaeological dig started on the Place de l’Eglise in Mauves-sur-Loire, near Nantes, as part of the development work for a new marketplace. For six months, under a 1,400 m2 layer of asphalt, the archaeologists of the metropolis expect to make beautiful discoveries. “In four days, we have already found twenty burials, and we believe that there are several hundred, calculates Nicolas Lacoste, archaeologist at the Nantes Métropole research center and responsible for the Mauves site. It’s not so surprising to find traces of a cemetery near a church, but we didn’t think it was that old. Some tombs could date from the 8th century. »

After carrying out initial surveys with a mechanical shovel two years ago, confirming the existence of these medieval remains, archaeologists can finally bring them to light. A “complex” work since “Christian cemeteries were collective burial areas, reports Camille Bouffies, archaeo-anthropologist. Here they have succeeded each other over ten centuries, so we will find many partial burials as we dig. Already, several bones are gradually emerging from the ground. “There, it is a child, whose skeleton is particularly well preserved, shows Nicolas Lacoste. There are small nails all around, which provide information on the past existence of a coffin. This is an element which makes us say that it does not date from before the 14th century. »

The evolution of burial rites

Thanks to these bones, potential ceramics, but also foundations of the old church, the archaeologists hope to be able to trace more precisely the development of the town, to understand how the population evolved, or to develop knowledge (still thin) around the rites of burial in the metropolis, between the 8th and 19th centuries. “We will observe, photograph, but also take samples to study biological information, health status, age of death, etc., adds Camille Bouffies. By comparing them with other data, we will be able to have a better view of the general population. »

Possible manipulations thanks to the “fairly exceptional conservation” of these remains, which local residents and curious people will be invited to discover during monthly open days. The final results will not be known for many months or even years.

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