In Marseille, the storytelling of candidate Macron is underway

The information leaked this Wednesday: Emmanuel Macron will hold his first campaign meeting in Marseille on March 5. “He was wondering if he should start or finish his presidential campaign in Marseille”, explains a person of his entourage to 20 minutes. “He decided this weekend. “”A decision taken alone”, engages another supporter of the outgoing president, who wonders however: “Where did this rumor come from? »

“The news started circulating this Tuesday in the loops [de discussion sur les applications telles que Telegram et WhatsApp] “, informs a third interlocutor. If it has not been formalized by the authorities of LREM, this “leak” is timely to begin to mobilize, (finally) occupy the electoral media terrain and measure the reactions it provokes. In short, to really launch the storytelling of Emmanuel Macron’s campaign, even before the main character enters the scene.

The Dome hypothesis to make a real “show”

Still, there is still a room to fill and an organization to put in place for this first meeting. “It’s general mobilization”, we comment among the walkers while Chanot Park seems to be the best option. For how many people ? 5,000? “No, not like Pécresse. We must aim for at least 8,000”, we aim. With another possible option, more spectacular: “Fill the Dome [une salle de spectacle et concert] with 10,000 people, like Sarkozy had done. It would throw some, especially since the president is good at putting on a show. »

To do this, all the local components of the majority – from Agir to Horizons via the walkers, of course – are on the alert and called upon. “LREM’s problem remains the same: its ability to mobilize. So if we don’t continue to aggregate all the training, we won’t get there, ”anticipates a relative.

This meeting will also have to “rake” throughout the Paca region. And for that, the president can count on the announced support of Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, and Hubert Falco, that of Toulon. Pending the rallying – it seems more expected than hoped – of the president of the region, Renaud Muselier.

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