in Marseille, an individual released from the hands of the police by force

Extremely rare in Marseille: the drug operation turned into a confrontation. A man arrested Monday by the police in a city in the 13th arrondissement was released by force after the intervention of several people who came to take part in the police, we learned from the police headquarters.

A policeman injured in the head

In the Cité Frais-Vallon, in the northern districts of the city, the police had just proceeded to an arrest when they were “attacked” by a group of individuals, explained the police headquarters. The man, handcuffed behind his back, managed to escape, according to Provence, which revealed the information. Also from police sources, a police officer was wounded in the head by a stick and another in the hand. Police officers from the North Division then arrived as reinforcements and arrested two people while they were targeted by projectiles. CRS were also dispatched to the site to secure the premises.

During his three-day visit to Marseille last week, the President of the Republic went to the northern division police station, in the 15th arrondissement, to discuss the difficulties of the fight against violence linked to drug trafficking . 200 police officers initially expected by the end of 2023 will arrive in Marseille in 2022 and will be added to the 100 already arrived in 2021.

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