IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Nine striking photos of the drought hitting France

The sun is scorching over the whole of France, this Friday August 12, with 19 departments from the south-west to Finistère placed on heatwave orange vigilance by Météo France. After a month of July when less than one centimeter of rain fell on average, the drought is exceptional. The water tables are emptying to a worrying level.

Read also: The heat wave seen from the sky: a satellite image shows France yellowed by drought

It is forbidden to water in a large part of France and 73 prefects have even banned water withdrawals from farmers in all or part of their departments. The long-awaited rain will arrive in thunderstorms this Friday evening over the Alps and the Pyrenees, but only from Saturday evening on the rest of France. It will not be too much, as shown by these photos of a France heavily marked by drought.

From rivers to ponds, a dry France

The water level of the Loire is at its lowest because of the drought, as here in the Varades arm of the Loire in Loire-Atlantique. | FRANCK DUBRAY / WEST FRANCE

The flow of the Loire, which is the subject of particular attention, should soon reach the crisis threshold. If this is reached, any withdrawal from the river will be prohibited, regardless of the use.

An aerial view, on August 3, of the Lac de l’Entonnoir, also called Lac de Bouverans, dried up in the Doubs. | SEBASTIEN BOZON/AFP

The situation is the same for other rivers, such as the Rhône whose flow rate is 40 to 50% lower than in previous years.

The dry Le Meu river near Trmorel (Côtes-d’Armor). | JOEL LE GALL/WEST-FRANCE

A partially dried up pond near Monfort-en-Chalosse (Landes), in southwestern France, on August 3, 2022. | GAIKA IROS/AFP

agriculture in distress

A field of dried corn near Aire-sur-Adour in south-west France. | GAIZKA IROZ/AFP

First victim of the drought, agriculture. The use of water is regulated or even prohibited for agricultural use in certain departments. According to the latest sector forecasts, cereal production will be heavily affected by the water stress of recent weeks.

Dry pastures are no longer enough to feed the herds, as here in Chasné-sur-Illet (Ille-et-Vilaine). | VINCENT MICHEL/WEST-FRANCE

The disappearance of fodder for animals poses also question for milk production. The start of the school year promises to be under great tension. During the summer period, 50% of the volumes of water consumed are consumed by the agricultural sector.

The water level of canals and waterways at its lowest

The water level of the Verdon being at its lowest, a prefectural decree now prohibits navigation in the Gorges du Verdon. | PHOTOPQR/NICE MATIN/MAXPPP

A dried up part of the bed of the Var river in Saint-Martin-du-Var, in the south of France, on August 7, 2022. | SEBASTIEN BOGIER/EPA

River navigation is also affected by the drought. In some parts of the territory, several canals have been closed to navigation while cargo ships are sometimes forced to reduce their cargo.

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