In Ile-de-France, 91% of cafes and restaurants have failed to recruit staff

It’s not just the catering sector that is struggling to recruit, but in Ile-de-France, the situation is still particularly tense for cafes and restaurants, shows a study by the regional chamber of commerce and of industry (CCI Paris Ile-de-France) that reveals to you 20 minutes. According to this study of 200 cafés and restaurants in the Ile-de-France region, 93% of establishments that sought to recruit encountered difficulties.

These difficulties are such that only 9% of the companies in the survey claim to have been able to recruit “totally the staff sought”. 31% found themselves completely stranded and 60% obtained their happiness “partially”. The most sought-after positions are unsurprisingly those of waiters and waitresses or kitchen staff (respectively 75% and 71% of companies looking for staff say that it is in this type of position).

Retraining linked to the pandemic

The causes of this shortage are multiple, and can be explained in part by the constraints of the profession themselves. Staggered hours in the evening, or working on weekends, when others are resting and enjoying their family or friends. A job that is sometimes physically demanding, with high speeds at peak times.

To these constraints inherent in the profession are added, according to the president of the chamber of commerce and industry, constraints linked to the pandemic, which has led to departures and retraining. “It’s a sector in tension but it’s even stronger in recent months,” confirms the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dominique Restino. “It is a sector that has never really attracted, but the Covid-19 crisis has accentuated this trend. Restaurateurs who have to close for lack of staff, that’s new. In particular because the health crisis has acted as an indicator of the arduous nature of certain jobs, ”confirms Julien Tuillier, head of the regional center for the observation of trade, industry and services (CROCIS).

CDI and salary increases

However, permanent contracts are the rule in the sector: 86% of the companies surveyed say they want to recruit on permanent contracts in the next six months. And companies have made efforts to attract suitors. 68% of them say they have changed their hiring conditions, either by more attractive salary conditions, or by more flexible hours or additional holidays.

In addition, cafés-restaurants are experiencing recruitment problems even though their activity is not looking good. 66% of them claim to have less than normal activity since the health crisis and only 28% claim to have regained their pre-crisis attendance level.

“Expanding audiences and supporting them”

While the morale of cafe owners and restaurateurs is rather pessimistic for two-thirds of them, in a context of rising prices and shortage of raw materials, these recruitment difficulties have a significant impact on the teams, because they mean more work for those already in place. When the bosses and patronesses of these signs manage to recruit, it is not necessarily qualified personnel who are hired, who must therefore be doubly supervised. This is the case for almost half of the structures questioned by the CCI.

For Dominique Restino, this openness from the outside also has advantages for society, which thereby has a chance to include people who are far from employment, statutory refugees or those with a disability. “You have to broaden the audience and support them,” says the manager, who promotes his “Recruit differently to find your talents” operation.

During fifteen days where job dating, business forum, info café or other videoconferences will take place, the CCI intends to promote more inclusiveness, and not only because it is good for society. According to one study by the consulting firm Deloitte, an inclusive policy would generate up to 30% more turnover per employee.

Operation “Recruit differently to find your talents: 15 days for employment in Ile-de-France”, from October 5 to 19, 2022. Complete program on the CCI website.

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