In full examination of the pension reform bill, immersion in the National Assembly

While the deputies engage the last days of examination of the bill on the reform of the pensions, the debate on the article 7, relating to the legal age of departure at 64 years, still seems far. Tuesday, February 14, the National Assembly debated Article 2 in a poisonous atmosphere, each camp accusing the other of obstruction.

The day finally ended with the rejection of this article which concerned the establishment of a senior index in companies, intended to encourage the employment of older employees. A first debacle for the government. In this podcast of “Butterfly minute! », we followed this day at the National Assembly with our political journalist Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel.

shared filibuster

“Usually, the majority speaks less. There, we take the time to explain the arguments on extremely technical and secondary things. It’s obstruction,” observes Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel. In question, many speeches on the part of deputies Les Républicains or Renaissance. Like when Renaissance MP Violette Spillebout takes the microphone to discuss the application of the senior index on professional football clubs.

The deputy La France Insoumise de la Somme, François Ruffin, then reacted strongly to accuse the majority of gaining time. In this podcast, listen to our political journalist explain the government’s strategy, in a context where support from LR deputies for the reform vote seems threatened.

For the majority, on the contrary, the obstruction comes from the left and the tabling of their numerous amendments. In a press conference the same morning, Laure Lavalette of the National Rally denounced the “wacky” amendments of the Nupes, slowing down the discussions. However, “France Insoumise withdrew its amendments relating to article 2 on Monday evening”, specifies Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel. In this episode of “Minute Papillon! », you will hear the decryptions of our political journalist on parliamentary obstruction: whose fault is it?

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